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9 November 2015
Sometimes I like a little helping...but then again, doesn't everyone like a large portion every once in a while?
Sometimes I like a little helping...but then again, doesn't everyone like a large portion every once in a while?
Sometimes I like a little helping...but then again, doesn't everyone like a large portion every once in a while?
Obviously you like three helpings in one go ... isn’t that a bit greedy ?

Purple Mamba Club

VIP Member
31 October 2017
naughty on a scale of...dissipation, dissoluteness, degeneracy, corruption, vice, turpitude, depravity, loucheness, rakishness, libertinism, immodesty, indecency, perversion, shamelessness, iniquity, wickedness, sinfulness, sinning, impropriety, lack of morals, lack of principles, immorality, impurity, unchastity, lasciviousness, salaciousness, lechery, lecherousness, lewdness, bawdiness, lust, lustfulness, libidinousness, licentiousness, promiscuity, wantonness, abandonment, abandon, profligacy, decadence, immoderateness, intemperance, lack of restraint, indulgence, self-indulgence, pleasure-seeking, hedonism, sybaritism... how naughty do you want to get...?


9 November 2015
naughty on a scale of...dissipation, dissoluteness, degeneracy, corruption, vice, turpitude, depravity, loucheness, rakishness, libertinism, immodesty, indecency, perversion, shamelessness, iniquity, wickedness, sinfulness, sinning, impropriety, lack of morals, lack of principles, immorality, impurity, unchastity, lasciviousness, salaciousness, lechery, lecherousness, lewdness, bawdiness, lust, lustfulness, libidinousness, licentiousness, promiscuity, wantonness, abandonment, abandon, profligacy, decadence, immoderateness, intemperance, lack of restraint, indulgence, self-indulgence, pleasure-seeking, hedonism, sybaritism... how naughty do you want to get...?
That’s a list I’ll have to google most of it :D just thought you love giving a :blowjob::bj1:eek:r three ??
Not recently no. Any recommendations? :sneaky:

B x
Not sure the burger on @Purple Mamba Club mind is the same as your thinking about ....but is it ? :rofl: