Waking Up The Day After!!!

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19 May 2015
Having a chat with a friend earlier, they asked me where the weirdest place you've woken up after night out. I have had a few like someone's garden miles away from my home, a round about in Cardiff, and with various ladies some of whom I barely remembered mt question to you guys is where is the weirdest place you've wokenup after a night out (sorry for the grammar)


18 July 2015
We once woke up and wondered who was beside us....
Wrong thread perhaps, you know when you are a swinger when :D
19 March 2015
I woke up in one of the @Xtasia bedrooms we were in, not so long back after having only about 2 hours sleep. Anyway, they have blacked out windows and I urgently needed the lav from drinking so much. I woke up, totally disorientated due to the sheer blackness, jumped out of bed and first walked into the wall next to us, then the door! :D
Eventually I found the bathroom but what a nightmare it was. Tired, bit tipsy from drinking all night and in total blackness - made a recipe for disaster. :sneaky: :rofl: x