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9 November 2018
Morning you gorgeous lot,

I had a lovely and calming but a strange encounter last night that had me very emotional and extremely happy for the evening and even now so here it is.

Im not a big believer in faith but I am quite spiritual I would like to believe that when people pass they guide and help you live on as it were.

For those of you that don't know me I lost my dad, my rock, my best friend in 2009 due to a 3 year battle with cancer (a brain tumour)

Since he past I have always said that if I could be half the man he was I would be extremely lucky and a lot of his values I try to carry on he in my eyes there was no greater man....

Anyway we were watching as good as it gets (great film) after just having an Indian takeaway the kitchen light was on and after a while it turned itself off and back on again (never happened before)

Now my friend is a Medium but has always said she would never give me a reading however after the lights she looked at me and said your dad wants to talk to you he is always around you more then you think.. (tears start forming I am a softy)
She started by describing him as a person (bang on) and that he never believed in this (bang on) his life in the forces our time together etc. He was never a great talker but would show and always be there for me no matter what. I have always felt like the odd one however 2 things stood out for me he said that I am very much like him which for me is one of the biggest compliments I could and WILL get.
And that he was extremely proud of me now this man never said this to me while I he was alive so by now I became a blubbering mess but it was nice to know as I had always wondered.
I guess it just confirmed to me that I am doing him proud and he is with me helping and guiding me.

This encounter has brought me a huge sense of comfort. Now I am not asking you to believe this or not believe this. I just wanted to share this with you all

But it got me wondering what for you gives you comfort could be anything?
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18 July 2015
That's amazing, I have my faith and truly believe there is a God.
I would love it if my prayers would get answered by my Dad but I know it will happen when it's no expected and I expect it every day. It's tough but I Know he is with me x
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