Ss Welsh Birthday Bash Chat Thread

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10 March 2015
This ^^^
Sorry but this is Social Swinging's birthday party and if you are not part of the site then I don't see why you would want to be a part of the celebrations.

Not sure what more I need to do to be classed as "part of the site".... I pay to support it, I've contributed a lot in the forums, I even went on a (failed) one-man crusade to try and get people chatting in the chatroom.
Guess I'm forever gonna be like one of those "bad boy" comic book superheroes, who reluctantly gets dragged into saving the world, but still ends up walking down the road on his own at the end.
(Sniff) I'm not crying, there's just a lot of dust in the air, even us superheroes have to do housework ya know.:notworthy:
10 March 2015
You could just get photo verified? What's to lose?
I've thought about it.... a lot... and you are right, it would be easy to do.
However... (sound of the Welsh National Anthem quietly playing in the background, whilst the camera pans across the Welsh hills to a tableau of Mart stood, one hand on his waist, the other on his heart) when a man nails his colours to the mast, he has to stand by them, come what may (music volume slowly increasing)… no matter what the storm tossed seas throw at him, no matter how hard the road he travels, (camera cuts to scene of our hero valiantly pushing despite heavy wind and rain buffeting him, music swells), once he considers the options and makes his choice, he cannot be swayed, and will fight on to the end!! (Cue Mart stood on a high hilltop, both hands on hips, chest thrust forward, gentle breeze tousling his hair, slightly tattered and bruised, but unbowed, sun beating down warmly, and as the music rises to a crescendo, a Dragon rises behind him, spreading its wings).


9 November 2015
I've thought about it.... a lot... and you are right, it would be easy to do.
However... (sound of the Welsh National Anthem quietly playing in the background, whilst the camera pans across the Welsh hills to a tableau of Mart stood, one hand on his waist, the other on his heart) when a man nails his colours to the mast, he has to stand by them, come what may (music volume slowly increasing)… no matter what the storm tossed seas throw at him, no matter how hard the road he travels, (camera cuts to scene of our hero valiantly pushing despite heavy wind and rain buffeting him, music swells), once he considers the options and makes his choice, he cannot be swayed, and will fight on to the end!! (Cue Mart stood on a high hilltop, both hands on hips, chest thrust forward, gentle breeze tousling his hair, slightly tattered and bruised, but unbowed, sun beating down warmly, and as the music rises to a crescendo, a Dragon rises behind him, spreading its wings).
So one photo sent to Admin for his eyes only .... then he deletes it ??... there’s pinning your colours to the flag ... (I’m proud to be English I’m even considering getting something Welsh for the party theme :eek::eek:) but would I cut my nose off to spite my face ?
It is as far as I know a normal club night so you could rock up away in your best daffodil hat ...
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