[off Topic] Mnemonics…

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10 July 2018
Dictionary result for mnemonic
  1. a system such as a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations which assists in remembering something.

Could be anything, something everyone learns sooner or later:

ROYGBIV / Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain = colours of the rainbow in order​

Or could be silly:

PEBCAK = main reason for computer problems; Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard​

Or could just be industry related or personal:

Nancy Reagan’s Other Lover Can’t Act or Sing; from a previous life, the order of clauses in a company’s Memorandum of Association; Name, Registered office, Objects, Limited Liability, Capital, Association​

So, come on, tell me your favourite [silly or otherwise] mnemonics…
19 March 2015
Yeah so acronyms? or words to simply remember things, which I think is the OP point yes?
Either way, I have a few..
PITA - pain in the arse
FUBAR (covered above; Fucked up beyond all recognition)
GTFO - get the fuck out
STFD - Sit the fuck down
STFU - shut the fuck up
^^ lots of fucks going on there :whistle:

TBH - to be honest
TBF - to be frank

I also use KISS especially in work & design. It is so important. (y)
I use all the P's - Prior preparation & planning, prevents piss poor performance.

Also use IIRC & AFAIK. :D