OK guys what are you excited about....?
I'm off for my first club visit week on Saturday.... Clubf.
To say I'm excited is an understatement... Any ladies couples fancy meeting me there?
Making new friends. Understanding us as a couple, after 20 years we're still growing, flourishing and evolving tbh.
I'm excited about making plans for this year and seeing what is on the horizon in both swinging and family life; son going in the Welsh Guards, some festivals and music events I would like to attend.
Better work opportunities too.
Seeing how much more music I can absorb and play, on a totally selfish note..
I'm also looking forward and really excited to seeing how our project(s) will pan out too. There's one or two being sorted and I hope they will be the bomb.
One may include topless barmaids #BoobieBarmaids
but that cannot be guaranteed.
Enjoy your first club dip (pun very much intended) - I am sure it will be fine my friend.
Just don't drink too much. Enough to wake you up, but not so many it makes you sleepy.. if you get my meaning.