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24 July 2019
Help !
Why is it I see so many couples doing this sort of fun when my partner just laughs if i even mention the word swinging!
I'm loving reading what couples get up too yet I'm alone wishing she would get involved.
It doesn't matter how it what i say i know she will not come on here. I will get feedback saying " say this" "say that" but it's a no.
I love being adventurous but she isn't this is why I'm on here shes not. Thanks for reading my essay lols xxxx


18 July 2015
Help !
Why is it I see so many couples doing this sort of fun when my partner just laughs if i even mention the word swinging!
I'm loving reading what couples get up too yet I'm alone wishing she would get involved.
It doesn't matter how it what i say i know she will not come on here. I will get feedback saying " say this" "say that" but it's a no.
I love being adventurous but she isn't this is why I'm on here shes not. Thanks for reading my essay lols xxxx
All ok?
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9 November 2015
It’s a difficult one to answer as I’m a single bloke , but maybe over time she may change her mind , is she willing for you to participate on your own to start ? ...
Everyone has things they like if underwear is your that’s :cool: ...
I never thought anyone would be interested in me when I started out but it’s been a good place to be for me and sure given a little time it will prove good for you .... :tiphat: