Ultimate Aim..

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19 March 2015
So for you, whether a swingle or a couple in this lifestyle; what is your ultimate aim and goals with this?
By which I mean it could be simply fulfilling a long held fantasy of a threesome, cuckold, foursome & moresome...
Or it could also be to build friendships with which you have sexual experiences with but with the probability of repeat liaisons.
Maybe there is no such thing as an 'ultimate aim' or end goal for you and you just want to travel and see where the road takes you? ;) :sneaky: x

Deleted member 11852

At the moment we are quite content with everything we have..we have got a few regular people we meet with and a lot of friends on the site..we really enjoy interacting with people on the site..don't get me wrong we would still meet with more people from the site should the situation arise ..maybe after Christmas we will start meeting more plus we enjoy all the socials..so really our main aim was always friendship and fun with a few regular meets..which we have found but there's always room for more fun..you can never stop enjoying new experiences..W..:tiphat:


11 December 2016
I'm not sure we have an ultimate aim, I think your comment below sums us up.

you just want to travel and see where the road takes you?

Yes there are a few things we would like to do but if they don't happen then maybe it's not meant to be. All we want is to continue the journey and enjoy it whilst we can.

Deleted member 11852

Gotta get rid of some wobbly bits first so I can strut me stuff a bit proper like. Especially in Torquay :D:sneaky::whistle::tiphat:
It's ok I've got my own rubber ring across the middle..I've tried losing it for 20 years but it keeps finding me..W..:rofl::rofl:
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24 August 2019
It's ok I've got my own rubber ring across the middle..I've tried losing it for 20 years but it keeps finding me..W..:rofl::rofl:
Me to W, but he tells me it makes me more womanly, more sexy to him, so I’m being to learn to live with it (and besides I wouldn’t change a thing about those two 10lb babies that came out the sunroof) :lol: xx
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25 July 2016
We did have an aim when we started out. But we have pretty much give up on it now.
Now we just go with the flow, and hope we make friends along the way. Which we have done, I am glad to say.

Deleted member 11852

We definitely want to meet up with more people but rl keeps getting in the way..because we both do permanent nights and only have a couple of weekends a month free it makes meets hard to arrange..we have had a few cancelled because not everyone is free at weekends..hopefully after new year this will change..it would be nice to meet with more people..W..:tiphat:
1 September 2018
Ultimate aim ?. To enjoy life and ensure that when I get to my death bed there is nothing I can look back on and think ,"I wish I had tried that " . Xx G


9 November 2015
When I started I no idea where this would go , I guess finding a regular meet was one aim,to share and explore things that take a bond of trust between two people...
That hasn’t happened may never happen so it’s a case of seeing where it goes and enjoy what comes along ...

Deleted member 10361

We don’t have a plan, just going with the flow, love meeting people, love the social side just as much as the sex (when I can get it!!) would love to do a SS holiday in the sun with lots of gorgeous people and sex of course :D
7 January 2017
When I first started (oh, so many years ago) I was collecting fucks. But as I found this site and grew up (pfffft! I still giggle at the massive bottle of vet lube at the vets!), my aim is to create friendships and have a few close friends who I have sex with, as well as socialise and to enjoy life :)

Deleted member 10361

When I first started (oh, so many years ago) I was collecting fucks. But as I found this site and grew up (pfffft! I still giggle at the massive bottle of vet lube at the vets!), my aim is to create friendships and have a few close friends who I have sex with, as well as socialise and to enjoy life :)
Oh I want to collect fucks! :D
9 January 2018
Our aim is to have fun, and I don't mean fun as a euphemism for sex but just to enjoy ourselves and hope that the people we meet get enjoyment too.

One of the reasons I gravitated towards swinging from the BDSM scene was that people took it oh so seriously.

That and the fact that I am a seriously dirty fucker as well of course. Luckily I met Debs who is a match for me in the "utter filth" department :collar:
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