Being anti BLM isn’t racist. You’re being against Marxism, Communism and Socialism.
Black lives DO matter as does every life. But that’s blm not BLM the organisation which these are kneeling for.
Kneeling in our culture is a sign of submission and respect to those above us in hierarchy.
We, as Brits - never kneel unless it’s for God, the Queen or Church. It’s really that simple.
The problem is, this movement is from across the Atlantic with the heads of BLM even saying themselves they’re “trained Marxists” and want “defunding” of the police. It’s there in B&W for all to see.
So now that we’ve a better grip on the organisation, the facts are - sports should never be political.
Wear a Poppy with pride yes. A red one. It’s a sign of respect for the dead who died for our freedoms.
But kneeling in footie and raising fists like Hamilton does? No.
End racism. Stop racism. Yes.
Support political ideologies that want to deconstruct our society? No way. ? x