I think a fundamental change has happened in sex clubs over the years!
First we have to define that term “sex club” what does an average person (a vanilla) think that means? Sex on tap, a brothel! In Reality that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Even before the pandemic, the ratio of single males to females were skewed, clubs need to make more to survive! So what do they do? They target a particular demographic of males, that will happily pay over the odd to gain entry, with the Promise of women inside!
On the Flip side to this, they invite women in for free, again targeting a certain demographic of females, that are only there because it’s a free night out for them, they aren’t there to swing!
Then we have the couples, they will usually have to pay half price, and are probably the only ones there that generally want to swing!
See that I am now using the term “Swing” there in lies the problem! The term “sex club” it gives people the wrong impression!
So, let’s go back to the single males, to quote MP386 “why narrow the field when there’s furrows to plough” The majority of single men that have paid upwards of £80, now want to get their monies worth, so, they feel entitled, after all, in their minds they’ve just paid to have sex! So they want to plough those furrows!
Now, let’s look at why the single ladies are there, the club has invited them in for free! It’s a free night out for the girls, they’re not there to fuck every man in sight, they just want a laugh with their friends! And don’t want to be pestered by billy no mates!
As you can see, here is where we have the disconnect!
With the couples probably being the only genuine swingers in a swinging club!
Clearly, this isn’t how everyone acts, and there are exceptions to the rule!
Tiger xx