Ok so I’m always being accused of being Negative… now honestly I never really understood what people were going on about, I believe I deal in the reality of life , things can be good they can be bad , I’d rather look a situation and decide what potential issue could arise rather than blindly thinking everything is rosie , this I’m told is negative…
Society today seems to love to pigeon hole everyone…and want to label you …
I grew up in the late 60’s early 70’s yes I’m that old ! Probably a negative statement to some ?
To me reality back then I don’t remember all this crap on labels… might have something to do with no interweb !!
Any way this list is one I picked off the interweb and by no means definitive …
So reading down I can attribute many of both traits to myself so I must be PositiveNegative
so my question is can anyone hand on heart say they are genuinely one or the other ??
I’d say no …if you can I’d probably say you were telling porkies .
We all display some of one or the other and both …
Society today seems to love to pigeon hole everyone…and want to label you …
I grew up in the late 60’s early 70’s yes I’m that old ! Probably a negative statement to some ?
To me reality back then I don’t remember all this crap on labels… might have something to do with no interweb !!
Any way this list is one I picked off the interweb and by no means definitive …
So reading down I can attribute many of both traits to myself so I must be PositiveNegative
so my question is can anyone hand on heart say they are genuinely one or the other ??
I’d say no …if you can I’d probably say you were telling porkies .
We all display some of one or the other and both …
Trait-Positive | Trait-Negative |
accepts authority, loyal, devoted | rebellious |
accepts what’s given | ignores, rejects what’s given |
affectionate | distant, cold, aloof |
aspiring, ambitious, motivated | self-satisfied, unmotivated |
candid | closed, guarded, secretive |
caring | uncaring, unfeeling, callous |
change; accepts, embraces- | rejects change |
cheerful | cheerless, gloomy, sour, grumpy |
considerate, thoughtful | inconsiderate, thoughtless |
cooperative | uncooperative, unhelpful, combative |
courageous | cowering, fearful |
courteous | rude, impolite |
decisive | indecisive |
devoted | uncommitted, uncaring, hostile |
determined | indecisive, unsure |
does what is necessary, right | does what is convenient |
perseveres, endures | relents, gives up |
enthusiastic | unenthusiastic, apathetic, indifferent |
expansive | kept back, tight, constricting |
faith in life | life can’t be trusted |
faith in oneself | lack of faith in self |
faith in others | others can’t be relied on |
flexible | inflexible, rigid, unbending, stubborn |
forgiving | unforgiving, resentful, spiteful |
focused | unfocused, scattered |
freedom given to others | authoritarian, controlling |
friendly | unfriendly, distant, aloof, hostile |
frugal, thrifty | wasteful, spendthrift |
generous | stingy, miserly, selfish |
goodwill | ill-will, malice, hatred |
grateful | ungrateful, unappreciative |
hard-working | lazy |
honest | dishonest, deceiving, lying |
humble | arrogant, conceited, ego-centric |
interested | indifferent, uncaring |
involved | complacent, indifferent |
jealous, not | jealous, envious, covetous |
kind | unkind, uncaring, cruel, mean |
mature | immature |
modest | vain |
open-minded, tolerant | narrow, close, small-minded, intolerant |
optimistic | pessimistic |
perfects | allows imperfection |
persistent, sustaining | flagging, fleeting, unsustaining |
positive | negative |
practical | impractical, not viable |
punctual | late, not on time |
realistic | unrealist, impractical |
reliable | unreliable, undependable |
respectful | disrespectful, rude, impolite |
responsibility; takes- | blames others |
responsible | unreliable, undependable |
responsive | unresponsive, unreceptive |
self-confident | lack of self confidence, insecure |
self-directed | directed by externals |
self-disciplined | undisciplined, unrestrained, indulgent |
self-esteem, high | self-esteem, confidence – low |
self-giving | self-centered |
self-reliant | dependent |
selfless | selfish |
sensitive | Insensitive, indifferent |
serious | frivolous, silly, trivial |
sincere | insincere, dishonest |
social independence | social approval required |
sympathetic | unsympathetic, unfeeling |
systematic | unsystematic, disorganized, disorderly, random |
takes others point of view | insists on own view |
thoughtful towards others | thoughtless, inconsiderate, callous |
trusting | suspicious, mistrusting |
unpretentious | pretentious, affected, ostentatious |
unselfish | selfish |
willing does, willingness | unwilling, reluctant, recalcitrant |
work-oriented | convenience first |