Hello You Sexy Deviants

  • Thread starter Boywood
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Met a lot of you last Sat at the VA so through We'd join up here to see what's happening. Well it's very nice here guys and thanks for making us feel welcome. We've already got to know, ahem, some of you quite well already x


15 September 2014
Hell @Him_and_her and a very warm welcome from myself again.. I am unsure if we met did we? I was the muppet in the kilt on the Saturday evening :D
Hope you enjoy and have fun, glad you feel so welcome already.
Admin :) x
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Met a lot of you last Sat at the VA so through We'd join up here to see what's happening. Well it's very nice here guys and thanks for making us feel welcome. We've already got to know, ahem, some of you quite well already x
Hi there. Sadly I wasn't at the VA, but I'd thought I'd say hello and welcome, anyway x


Welcome again guys. I think I've welcomed you about 3 times now lol but hey battery least you know we mean it lol. Either that or we're stalking you hahahah. Hope you both have fun here. It's completely nuts but such amazing fun with great folks xxxx