I don’t ignore messages but if the language is offensive or in text then it’ll just get a like. I understand most middle aged men forget basic schooling when it comes to saying hello but I also understand the ignorance of some, as for hey, that’s not something that I’d be interested in, maybe if it was a hello.
If you’ve given up and think hey is all I can be arsed to write then have a look at others who would never use it and get conversations going, putting effort into messaging, interacting in threads gets meets.
I watched the other day, a lady flirting big time with a guy here, she was ignored. So it’s not just women who think they’re the bees knees..
Make some effort and you’ll have fun.
OK, but i see meeting online the same as in person.
If we met at a social I assume you would perfer, hi .
Then if I get a hi and not your back turned to me, I can follow up with, are you a member of social swinging?
And the conversation starts there.
I don't think you would want some lengthy introduction.
Or, another way to look at it, as an American visiting England, if I didn't like the queen I would never start a conversation with why I hate the queen because you might find that offensive. So I would start with something more neutral like commenting on something that was in the news about the queen. If you respond with how much you hate the queen, I now know I can tell you how much I hate her.
On this site I can't tell if you want me to lead off with what I want to do you or if you want polite conversation first.
I am sure you are aware of women who just want the guy's dick and don't want conversation. Just tell them how big your dick is in the first sentence.