What makes you cry ?

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17 August 2021
Only thing that made me cry about "watership down" was not being able to find the ship that was down and wondering why there were bunnies everywhere.
This was before the internet.
Today, not only can I get "down" translated I can see the down the movie was named after on google maps and even get driving directions to it .
all on my cell phone
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Reactions: Pearls
25 February 2016
DNS and IP routing.
I have no Internet at home (I live in the middle of nowhere). So I share my mobile's Internet, and pick it up on a Linux-based bridge. This makes the Internet available to my cable-only devices which are not WiFi enabled (TV, media server (OSMC on a Raspberry PI) and data server (Synology) and a PC which is elsewhere in the house and out of WiFi range). I have my own DNS server which runs an adblocker (another Raspberry Pi running PiHole on Linux). The PiHole stops any clients from getting graphical and video adverts which would otherwise eat up data.

I love DNS so much I have my own DNS server, IP routing is fun!