Savings and Offers from Bondara

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15 September 2014
Hello all,

We are pleased to announce, that we are now advertising; Bondara - Sex Toys, Lingerie & Adult Sex Shop.
By clicking on the ads directly - you will help us here, and most importantly save money on a HUGE range of products.!

The lovely people over at Bondara, have given Social Swinging members, a very special offer along with their already amazing discounts.

However, only registered users will be able to take advantage of a further 15% off all products, as a thank you to us at Social Swinging, and only excludes their gift vouchers, so this can be used on sale items!!

That really is saving you a lot of money....
Please read more HERE.

Thank you! :)


15 September 2014
Good news isn't it?
I'm redoing the ads at the moment as I found out they weren't responsive, so bear with me on that please..
But yes good news. A lot of savings, free delivery on orders over £10 I believe.


15 September 2014
I have some fantastic news in relation to the 15% offer.
The marketing execute, who I've been dealing with, had generously extended their offer - to the end of July!
That can be used in conjunction with their offers too (only excludes gift vouchers).

Bargain! (y) (y)


Hello all,

We are pleased to announce, that we are now advertising; Bondara - Sex Toys, Lingerie & Adult Sex Shop.
By clicking on the ads directly - you will help us here, and most importantly save money on a HUGE range of products.!

The lovely people over at Bondara, have given Social Swinging members, a very special offer along with their already amazing discounts.

However, only registered users will be able to take advantage of a further 15% off all products, as a thank you to us at Social Swinging, and only excludes their gift vouchers, so this can be used on sale items!!

That really is saving you a lot of money....
Please read more HERE.

Thank you! :)
I simply can't resist.....could you clarify please: a range of HUGE products or a HUGE range ?
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Hello all,

We are pleased to announce, that we are now advertising; Bondara - Sex Toys, Lingerie & Adult Sex Shop.
By clicking on the ads directly - you will help us here, and most importantly save money on a HUGE range of products.!

The lovely people over at Bondara, have given Social Swinging members, a very special offer along with their already amazing discounts.

However, only registered users will be able to take advantage of a further 15% off all products, as a thank you to us at Social Swinging, and only excludes their gift vouchers, so this can be used on sale items!!

That really is saving you a lot of money....
Please read more HERE.

Thank you! :)
Is this still current?


15 September 2014
Was referring to your post in November - a couple up from my query ...
Ahh that's for the 15% off. If memory serves me well, we get a flat 10% discount anyway, but will have to speak with our agent and see what is what and what offers are available. :)
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15 September 2014
Great news !! We've bought stuff from them before , great quality and really professional service !!☺☺
I agree they really are the business. We've been dealing with them business wise since launch and I can honestly say, they are lovely people to deal with too.. Even sent us goodies for previous parties etc.

I will get in touch and get an updated list from them ASAP :)
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