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Deleted member 3446

Verification's are a great insight into the person and an easy way to find out how people thought about the person.

But is there a good or bad number of verification's - and how do some react to large number of verification's?

I have reasons for this question, and would like to get some feedback :)


We have quite a few verifications but alot of our verifications are from meeting at the va social so aren't based on any sexual activity at all. Purely how people thought of us in a social way. It doesn't bother me on the quantity....but quality counts. Xxxx


15 September 2014
Verifications give you insight into someone, that's certain..
What I will say on this though, is on here we allow one and one only. I am thinking of increasing this to two..
but the reason for one, is to avoid veri padding - ie having 120 veri's but all from the same person or two people.. We met today for coffee at so on and so on.
It's unnecessary.
Also you cannot hide any verifications either. So if someone leaves a verification which is honest = "he smelt badly from body odour and clearly didn't wash" then you can not use it to your advantage by hiding it.

They're not concrete to base on someone let's be honest about this, but they do give incredible insight.


Verifications give you insight into someone, that's certain..
What I will say on this though, is on here we allow one and one only. I am thinking of increasing this to two..
but the reason for one, is to avoid veri padding - ie having 120 veri's but all from the same person or two people.. We met today for coffee at so on and so on.
It's unnecessary.
Also you cannot hide any verifications either. So if someone leaves a verification which is honest = "he smelt badly from body odour and clearly didn't wash" then you can not use it to your advantage by hiding it.

They're not concrete to base on someone let's be honest about this, but they do give incredible insight.
I'd better buy some aftershave then pmsl


I also think a verification or two just to show the person or persons are "as advertised" however I am a great believer of one mans treasure is another mans trash .. So I make up my own mind
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I just view them as another tool to use when arranging to meet someone, a verification shows you that they are a genuine person and not some voyeuristic sad pillock on the other end of the keyboard, you can see what other people make of them and that will help you make a decision on if you want to take things further. Sort of like a character reference rather than a performance report :)
27 April 2015
Hmmmm. Where the veri is strictly truthful, then its helpful, we to be honest are of the mindset that we always read the veris, irrespective of how many, as it does give an indication of the prospective meet, especially if its a true sexual meet, (not a we had coffee today etc, we tbh ignore them), we have and will continue, even if it offends, will be honest with our recommends as we feel it is in other peoples interests to be factual, so others can make informed decisions accordingly. I think its a very British thing to be polite with veris, but this is so not the case in other countries, in our experience, if more people were honest, it would make the lifestyle we all enjoy so much easier xxxx
Regards @The-A-Team