Do you have rules surrounding Toy use? and relevant stories

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1 September 2018
This thread may have more layers than a tiramisu ...
Do you use toys in play? If so, do you have rules? Do these toys help in swinging play? Have you ever had a misshap?
Have you ever been "Outed" by said toys?
So, to start, I'm gonna go balls deep on this.
I have a double ender. It's big. It's wide. It's pink. Its my cock when needed (not for G - VERY IMPORTANT NOTE!)
Our son found it when he was 5yrs old after I left my toy chest open.
Also, when looking for small change to pay for pizza delivery - realising my mother had the same dildo as me - NEVER used it again after that!
Give me your toy views and horror stories (it's October after all... I'll share more of mine!)
7 January 2017
I have a "bag of dicks" that comes with me when I meet up with friends, they also have their own bag of items that they bring.
There's no real set rules, it's just there if we want it. There have been times where we didn't get anything out and there have been times when we've dived straight in. It's been with us for overnighters and weekends away.

Toys are there to enhance play, not replace anyone.
24 June 2019
We have quite a collection of toys that has grown quite rapidly over the last couple of years. The wand (aka as the ‘squirting stick’) is erm ... right up there as is a recent addition of an 8 inch purple strap on which, as we like to switch, has mixed things up quite a bit.

Rules? What do you mean? When they’re used or how they’re used?

Have used toys in swinging play - on our first outing to a club which was also my first time kissing a girl ... and I liked it ? ? ... when we ended up in a room with a number of couples and said lady used a toy on me whilst I gave others some attention.

As far as mishaps go, so far so good (touch wood! ?) unless you count the slightly misplaced clit clamp ... ?


9 November 2015
I have some restraints which I’ve used with someone as well as a flogger and studded paddle ,some nipple clamps and a blind fold that’s about it other than the piece of mdf board and dowel rod which I had in the back of my van ...
Oh and more me moments the Rocks Off “rude boy “ Prostate massager .... :oops:
can’t think of any stories to go with them ..or rules
1 September 2018
My worst story is the time when our son (aged maybe 5 at the time) went into our bedroom looking for us (apparently). I found him in there brandishing my bright pink 2ft long double ender (recent purchase at the time for my then GF).
When I asked him what he was doing he innocently waved it at me, asking "Who's is this big snake? Why cant I have one?"
I worried for years that he'd one day watch some G on G porn and have flashbacks, thinking "Oh, FUCK... NO... MY MUM HAS ONE OF THOSE!"
Thankfully it never came up, and he now knows about this site! XxRy
10 March 2015
We have a playbag with toys in. We take it to parties and clubs, but the first rule is, we don't want uninvited "randoms" just dipping in and helping themselves. Friends and playmates are free to rummage, but any toys that are insertable MUST have a condom on, no exceptions. Ahy items that can be used for spanking, flogging or whipping must NOT draw blood, the risk of cross-contamination is too high otherwise, and everything gets a wipe down after use, and a thorough clean once we are home.


I am Batman ?
28 March 2016
I have some toys and some came with starter kits extras or prizes ... If I somehow end up using them on someone as in dildos and butplugs and so on I leave them with that person or throw them away if they don't want it. I don't feel right in using it on someone else ??
17 August 2021
I have some toys and some came with starter kits extras or prizes ... If I somehow end up using them on someone as in dildos and butplugs and so on I leave them with that person or throw them away if they don't want it. I don't feel right in using it on someone else ??
I'm too cheap to throw them away everytime. I just clean them.
17 August 2021
I do have a couple of horror stories using toys but it's really not right to mention them here without permission from the other person 🤣
I have video somewhere of a woman in some kind of clinic or hospital and they are preparing to work on her and she has her butt in the air, asshole spread wide, and a buttplug deep in her ass. You can clearly see the stop at the end of the buttplug to prevent it from going in too far.
She took the stop with ease.
I have no idea what she was doing to get it in that far.
Did she jump off a chair and land on it?
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26 July 2016
I'm too cheap to throw them away everytime. I just clean them.
In the dishwasher?

I remember viewing a TV program about a swingers house party. I think it was at Radlet and a TV crew where invited along. it was obviosly edited, scenes blurred etc. so as not to offend the 'normals'.

Anyway the day after and it's clean up time, so the gather up all the toys and bung em in the dishwasher. o_O
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17 August 2021
In the dishwasher?

I remember viewing a TV program about a swingers house party. I think it was at Radlet and a TV crew where invited along. it was obviosly edited, scenes blurred etc. so as not to offend the 'normals'.

Anyway the day after and it's clean up time, so the gather up all the toys and bung em in the dishwasher. o_O
I have never had a party and that many toys to deal with, but a dishwasher should work.
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