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15 September 2014
Yes awful news.. When it was first broadcast this morning, I said to @Pearls - suspected terrorist attack? it IS a terrorist attack.. :(
And then to hear more has happened with their metro system, multiple explosions.. :(

Only a matter of time before we get hit hard here again.
Love and peace to all affected by it.
The world needs more love and less hate. x


15 September 2014
Well.. what an awful & tragic day yesterday was. Bless all those people and their families.
One still on the run, I hope they catch the bastard.

We have been kind of been involved in an incident along with hundreds more people today, with threats of a bomb and killing people with guns/arms.
The world is going mad I tell you.. And today of all days, after yesterday? Yeah you can imagine the response.
The good thing is nothing happened and no-one was hurt, but the threats were real and serious by all accounts.

Reaching fever pitch wouldn't you say?


Well.. what an awful & tragic day yesterday was. Bless all those people and their families.
One still on the run, I hope they catch the bastard.

We have been kind of been involved in an incident along with hundreds more people today, with threats of a bomb and killing people with guns/arms.
The world is going mad I tell you.. And today of all days, after yesterday? Yeah you can imagine the response.
The good thing is nothing happened and no-one was hurt, but the threats were real and serious by all accounts.

Reaching fever pitch wouldn't you say?

Yeah feels like we are just waiting for something equally big to happen here. But if our security is on high alert then hopefully they will stop it before anything major. Xxxxx


15 September 2014
Yeah feels like we are just waiting for something equally big to happen here. But if our security is on high alert then hopefully they will stop it before anything major. Xxxxx
Let's hope so.. The security levels for South Wales were raised yesterday and for this to happen today, which is extremely serious, just shows how messed up it all is.
Luckily nothing happened but arrests have been made which is good.

Just hope nothing serious comes our way in the UK although I feel, and have said this before, this is merely the start. x


I ag
Let's hope so.. The security levels for South Wales were raised yesterday and for this to happen today, which is extremely serious, just shows how messed up it all is.
Luckily nothing happened but arrests have been made which is good.

Just hope nothing serious comes our way in the UK although I feel, and have said this before, this is merely the start. x

I agree trouble is there's always more extremists willing to take their places. It's never ending xxxxx


There are ways to stop these things happening but it means the government taking a much harder stance which I don't think they will do. I won't go into detail as I don't want to cause offense but eventually something has gotta give. Xxxxx