Heeelloooo! *waves*

  • Thread starter Dirtyprettythings
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Hello humans of the Internet.

Thought we might as well say hello and introduce ourselves,
We're the Dirtyprettythings, been recommend this site by a good friend.

If you frequent the clubs in Manchester you've probably seen us


15 September 2014
Hello humans of the Internet.

Thought we might as well say hello and introduce ourselves,
We're the Dirtyprettythings, been recommend this site by a good friend.

If you frequent the clubs in Manchester you've probably seen us

Hello @Dirtyprettythings and a very warm welcome from myself again. I'm glad you followed on from your friends advice! ;)
Am sure you will really enjoy it here.
Best advice I can offer - be active, stay active and you'll love it here.
Many thanks and good luck, have fun!
Admin :) x