
  • Thread starter RedHotFox
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So as its raining for the 3rd day in a row here in wales & im gathering its also raining where you are (good old british weather).......nevertheless i suppose we are all use to it as its never really sunny & the summers we have, you cant really call summer!! i class a summer as 30 degrees + & sunny 6 months our of the year!!! Anyway's after having a good think about the coolest place i would like to be right now & that is somewhere hot, relaxing, being waited on & drinking the bar dry!!!

im kind of thinking the Sandals resort (bahamas) would be quiet awesome, if i had the money to pack up & leave (but Any other offers, would be thought about if someone wanted to pay for me to go somewhere) haha?? (y);)

So where would you like to go right now, if you could afford it and had the money to go?
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15 September 2014
Cayo Coco and definitely back to Dominican Republic...
Seychelles too.. Nom nom.
Anywhere peaceful, quiet, chilled...(y)
Top of a mountain would do right now actually lol :D
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