Grammar! To be or not to be?

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19 March 2015
So, we're online kings and queens.
We use it every day, and do things on our phones, laptops, PC's, iPads and so on.
Be it Facebook, emails, chats on here - your digital life is expressed to others, by how you portray yourself and display yourself online.

So, the question must be asked, as I know it's a (an) hot topic :D
Are you a grammar freak?
Is grammar important to you?

For instance, does this annoy you;
"Glad your having a nice time"
To the untrained grammarian, (grammar freak/Nazi) this is usual, to those of us who perceive grammar as an important part of communications, it's a bleedin' nightmare!!

So, over to you! What say ye?
Grammar important when chatting?
Or not? ;)
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15 September 2014
Oh confirmed = grammar freak here!

Okay, granted it's not school, but an irk of mine is not so much spelling errors through dyslexia, or anything like that, but people ignoring and forgetting their 'your/you're, its/it's, their/they're/there..'
And a lot more!! lol wait for it... *cowers*
19 March 2015
ha! Agreed, we are not overly keen on text talk/text speak when talking to people.
Is it laziness? Are people forgetting how to 'speak' correctly these days?

Is social networking and media to blame?
'like see innit' and 'soz hws us 2 2day'
Just don't cut it.. There's nothing wrong with complete, well constructed and well thought out sentences and messages, it means the person writing it actually cares about what they're writing and cares about what they are saying to you.

And yes, also capitalisation? NO NEED haha!! :D x
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10 March 2015
On the whole, I don't really mind too much about poor grammar, I can be guilty of it myself sometimes, especially in chat if I'm rushing my typing lol!
I do dislike short replies, if I splurge away, typing ten-to-the-dozen, and just get back mono-syllabic answers I get wound up.
Also, as already mentioned, "txt spk" does grate a little, I don't mind the odd word cut back, but when it's entire sentences it does my head in!


15 September 2014
Agreed and the whole txt spk thing seems to be getting worse! :eek:

wuu2? nmu?
I mean like, wtf? :LOL:
Definitely increasing..
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Quote (from our Profile Information) - 'We can also write properly - no txt spk hear.' Hate it...! :mad::mad::mad:

We have had messages (on ANOther Site - yes, that one) which were so full of txt spk we could not understand them. Its a message - there is no point at all , in writing or sending it, if it cannot be understood.

Txt spk is a definite warning sign for us ... :cautious: o_O :rolleyes: :confused: :( :unsure:

But Smilies are Cooool.... :cool:


11 August 2015
I wish I had read this before I posted anything here :LOL:. However I have just across this on the dark site "I am writing this on my phone so please excuse any typos and Grammer errors". Now I've found on my phone that if I make a typo I can correct it, is that feature unique to my phone. All I cam say is read the £$%^&*& thing BEFORE you send it
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15 September 2014
I think a lot is tongue in cheek :D
Personally I am a grammar nut but won't lose sleep over it. I mean, we all make typos but full on grammatical errors in posts, messages or anything aimed towards gents/ladies/couples etc can be extremely off-putting.

My biggest one has to be your/you're and there/their/they're
or even
emphasise - emphasize!!
Criticise - critisize ?
Grr.. American English. Why don't peeps in the UK understand our own language and how to write it correctly?

Oops.... coffee time methinks :D
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I kun spull mutch betta now my Spull Shucker is switched on.....

R U OK, M8...? (Apparently... that's spelled correctly....?)

It often seems than correct spelling and grammar are seen as making some sort of statement ? It's not 'cool' - ? Next is accusations of being Professional - that also being uncool. OK, guilty, of both. Damn.

Perhaps I need a cover story, about being born in a hole in the road.....? :D
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