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  1. Tiger

    Any regrets

    That’s why the #FirstSaturdaySocial get-togethers are such a good idea, you can get to know someone before hand.
  2. Vanezza


    Damn man thats going to be a hard dare for Mr pic sniper ? N xxx #studmuffin
  3. Vanezza

    Social swinging

    I'm innocent I tells ya! You will never catch me alive copper! ? ? ? N xxx #studmuffin
  4. Vanezza

    Social swinging

    Surely your not just accusing our Pearlsy of derailing threads! I can think of a few other people who do that on a regular basis ? N xxx #studmuffin
  5. Vanezza

    Extra Towels or sheets needed...

    Exactly why I lost that one! ?? N xxx #studmuffin
  6. Vanezza

    Extra Towels or sheets needed...

    Off topic but did the random thread get to twenty yet? I seem to have lost it :rolleyes: N xxx #studmuffin
  7. Vanezza

    Extra Towels or sheets needed...

    Buy shower curtains, it's cheaper ? ? ??? N xxx #studmuffin
  8. Lips_Pearls

    Social swinging

    It's all about social innit. But peeps need sex too... When this fekin thing is over. Orgies en-route globally '21. #SexForAll2021 ?
  9. Vanezza


    I'm an optimist unlike V I always expect the best out of people then often get my arse bitten (not in a nice kinky way) but still keep trying and hoping to see that glimmer of kindness and intelligence. Not worked out for me often but it's a big world ? N xxx #studmuffin
  10. Vanezza

    Can you...

    Of course I can! Just in case nobody else laughs :cautious:? N xxx #studmuffin
  11. Vanezza

    Physically or sexually

    She is far too good looking to stand in for you G ? N xxx #studmuffin
  12. Vanezza

    Physically or sexually

    What a strange idea. Might want to strangle them sometimes (figurativly speaking of course:cautious:?) but not fancy them at all just means they are definitely not for you. So your life long partner question isn't even really relevant. N xxx #studmuffin
  13. Vanezza

    Physically or sexually

    Of course I have what a silly question and why does a long term relationship have to be fucking every day is what I'm getting at! How do those two things fit together in your head? N xxx #studmuffin
  14. Vanezza

    Physically or sexually

    I have never been physically attractive in my own mind but I know I have always been the sexiest man in the room even when that's obviously not true. Does that make sense? :cautious: N xxx #studmuffin
  15. Vanezza

    Is your life how you planned it ?

    Nobody told me we needed a plan!!! ? ? ? N xxx #studmuffin
  16. Vanezza

    Recruiters are getting smarter

    Check out the geeks in da rooom! ??? N xxx #studmuffin
  17. Vanezza

    Recruiters are getting smarter

    Wait a minute! ?? Did you have stuff nicked by Bender? N xxx #studmuffin
  18. Vanezza

    Oxford vaccine

    My boy Stewart is soon going in for major surgery (He is 53 years old I just call him my boy ? ) and I hope any vaccine is available soon as he is on the top line of at risk people having a very depressed immune system. Saying that my personal feeling is that health workers should get any...
  19. Vanezza


    I'm very confident about myself and the way I interact with others, lot's of times in my life I have been the one to boost other peoples confidence in themselves. My wife Vanessa and my partner Stewart come first into mind. V suffered terribly with her body image and S has been very ill for most...
  20. MP386

    ❤️❤️Feel the ❤️ ❤️

    It a bit nippy ? but all is good .... I designating today as #FeelTheLove day ..... so spread some love ❤️