body modification

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  1. AutumnH

    Genital piercings.

    So I was looking at tattoos earlier today (love 'em, majorn turn but I digress) and I went down the rabbit hole of piercings, and specifically the absolute variety of male and female genital piercings. Big ones, small ones, some as big as yer head (jewellery, that is) and I was interested in...
  2. AutumnH

    Tattoos. Yay Or Nay?

    Apologies if this has been done before. I know there's a bod mod thread knocking about somewhere but this is purely a tattoo appreciation/disassociation discussion. So tattoos, yay or nay? Personally, I haven't got any (I know what I want, but it's a case of having the money to get it done and...