50 New Members

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Oldest Swinger In Town
15 September 2015
You know I love watching the numbers so pleased to see 50 new members over the past 7 days. Welcome to all of you and glad you are now part of a swinging site that is completely different to anything else. The interaction between staff here and members is unique I think on swinging sites but very similar to what happens at my favourite swingers club, The Vanilla Alternative, where the team are very much involved with all the visitors, making sure they feel welcome and chatting, when appropriate, throughout their visit.


Nice to see the site gaining in popularity, and well deserved too, in my humble opinion i think the social aspect of the site has a lot to do with attracting new members, it comes across as friendly and fun.


15 September 2014
Thanks all. Blimey what a day today, I don't know what the good Mr Steed's count was today when he posted this, but we've been hammered with new members between yesterday & today too. Warm fuzzy feeling going on.. :)


Oldest Swinger In Town
15 September 2015
Thanks all. Blimey what a day today, I don't know what the good Mr Steed's count was today when he posted this, but we've been hammered with new members between yesterday & today too. Warm fuzzy feeling going on.. :)
It was 2550 but glad to see you've not started on the Christmas sherry yet and kept the nose to the grindstone! I've had another hectic week with the day job too (in-between keeping an eye on this wonderful site), so off to The Vanilla Alternative tonight for the first of 3 visits this weekend. A nice bit of socialising in the bar with all my good friends to start with, then into the massive hot tub for a good soak whilst chatting a bit more and then we shall see how things pan out for the rest of the night.
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15 September 2014
It was 2550 but glad to see you've not started on the Christmas sherry yet and kept the nose to the grindstone! I've had another hectic week with the day job too (in-between keeping an eye on this wonderful site), so off to The Vanilla Alternative tonight for the first of 3 visits this weekend. A nice bit of socialising in the bar with all my good friends to start with, then into the massive hot tub for a good soak whilst chatting a bit more and then we shall see how things pan out for the rest of the night.
Sounds idyllic!
have an amazing time Mr Steed and thank you for keeping an eye... Indeed grind stone all day today! :)


Oooh :love: feel so pleased to be a part of it... Certainly sounds like I need to check out the VA ... Just not into turning up there alone! Xx
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