Agony of man, 42, who broke his PENIS during sex (and says he heard it snap)

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15 September 2014

A man was left in agony after fracturing his penis during sex.

The 42-year-old had to undergo emergency surgery after snapping a fibrous membrane inside the organ.

His erect phallus had inadvertently collided with his partner’s perineum, the area in front of the anus.

The man heard a snap, felt his penis become immediately flaccid, and noticed a rush of blood from the tip.

He was rushed to the A&E department of a Boston hospital as he was suffering severe pain, according to a case report in the New England Journal of Medicine.

  • Man, from Boston, had accidentally hit his penis on his partner's perineum
  • He heard a snap, immediately lost his erection and saw blood spurting out
  • He felt searing pain and went to A&E where he was sent for an operation
  • Had torn his tunica albuginea, the outer sheath of his penis' inner chamber
  • Was checked 3 and 6 months later and had recovered from the ordeal

You can read more here, had to share it...
Any men here have tears in their eyes yet.? :ROFLMAO::(:eek:

It's this bit that got my attention people;

(and says he heard it snap)

Bloody hell.. :p

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4 March 2015
That sounds very painful...
Mr once caught his on the way out and back in, hit the same area - perineum and actually bent his bits.. :eek:
Needless to say he was out of action for about two weeks and in serious discomfort. Of course, it's all okay now, but at the time..

A very painful experience - if you've never done it. :cry: :love: xxx


I think this mite be sumthing that all us men have done. I my self have done if a few times. The worst time was when the wife got it in her mind that she was in charge and when she was on top. She came right off my and came crashing down bending me a full right angle. Whe is happened I went through the roof the pain and the fear of what happened and to make it worst for me was as I was in pain and shitting myself as mite need togo to A&E. How did she help well boys she did not help as she all she did was bend over the chair shouting as me ( COME ON FINSH ME OFF )

That day I found out what my wife loves the most about me lol

mr&mrs sparks

Wen I was 16 me and my family went away for Xmas I lost my virginiat to 19yr lass anyway Wat no told me was that the bloke can snap the bit that keeps the force skin attach so I ended up with an infection under the force skin 4 days before we was due home I ended up showing my mom.. I need up in A&E in Portugal the doctor says to me says it's a good job u didn't leave it any longer cos u could up losing the lot but the lass I end up with for 3 and half years
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mr&mrs sparks

hehehehe I lost my virginity at age 31, and I did NOT break my dick. :D
I did at 16 shitting my self at the time tho piss my talking about it now it was the size of a dinner plat before the op I had in Portugal

mr&mrs sparks

11 years a go I lost my fore skin in Portugal I had to have an operation to save my dick
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15 September 2014
11 years a go I lost my fore skin in Portugal I had to have an operation to save my dick

ouch! bloody hell... :eek:
I remember having my bit underneath snapped slightly after a very hectic bit of oral, but fook me it didn't need surgery or anything. It was a cut and chunk missing about the size of a tip of a pen.. That hurt so I can only imagine what you went through!! Jesus... :cry:
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