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Handsome and Debonair
25 November 2017
Have you ever swapped or had sex with more the one person? Have you ever thought about those situations and sense and feel them part of you?
But it's not enough, because being a swinger is something more, it is a way of life and a way of thinking. Swinging is also sex, but not only sex.
Mr. Kinky
17 September 2020
Have you ever swapped or had sex with more the one person? Have you ever thought about those situations and sense and feel them part of you?
But it's not enough, because being a swinger is something more, it is a way of life and a way of thinking. Swinging is also sex, but not only sex.
Mr. Kinky
I'm taking that as a no then ?


18 July 2015
A swinger ?
You know you joined a swinging site and not a site that discusses swings. I mean, there’s much to be talked about with a swing, being a park swing to one that hangs from a ceiling ? or you may be pan sexual and have a thing for wood an plastic. You know. “I’m in love with my swing” kind of thing going on. We live in a world of freedom of expression and sexuality.
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