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10 March 2015
You ever write something, and then go "Yeah, I get why people think I'm weird."?
I suppose some context would help.
Although I'd had Welshcakes before, when I was 13 I ended up having a summer job on a family farm, mainly hauling hay from the fields, and at lunchtime everyone would head for the farmhouse, and be seated around their huuugge kitchen table. All the local farms would have sent someone over to help, and we would head over to the different farms to do the same...but this family farm did the best lunches. ALL the food was home-made, or home grown, the veggies, salad, the bread, the scones, the cream, jam, milk, eggs, ham, chicken, cider, and the most wonderful hot-off-the-stone Welshcakes, you name it, it was home-made. BUT, god help you if you asked for anything hot to drink other than tea. The Matriarch would scowl at you, and pass you a tea, sweetened with honey from their own hives. I asked the junior member of the farm family why, and his answer was that Mrs Davies (yes, even as a family member, he called his Gran Mrs Davies!) considered it a SIN to eat her Welshcakes with any other beverage! She was right, the hot Welshcakes and hot, sweet tea were made for each other.