And now for the doggers; Dogging in my wood? I’ll get my chopper out...

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15 September 2014

A FARMER got so fed up with couples using a wood on his land as a dogging site he chopped it down.

Mark Byers 42, and his wife Claire 35 were appalled at the randy antics almost every day.
The site near Corby Hill, Cumbria, became so popular it was mentioned on dogging sites :D

The council put up locked gates, but that did not stop it - with some even knocking on the couple's door wanting them opened.
Finally Mark had all 60 trees felled.
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Oh dear. Chop chop, get to it! More wood than you'd think by there lol :D xxx


And another site bites the dust...

Ps have planted four apple trees at the back of my garden if anyone is looking for cover.
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