Arghh I Just Bought...

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Some lovely new mugs lets be different yey!! Copper ones ... lovely..
Mr F heres your coffee.. Are the handles supposed to get that hot?? I know i.. i know.. bloody meant for cold drinks. Meh? What ridiculous thing have you bought in error/haste. :(

Deleted member 1402

Some lovely new mugs lets be different yey!! Copper ones ... lovely..
Mr F heres your coffee.. Are the handles supposed to get that hot?? I know i.. i know.. bloody meant for cold drinks. Meh? What ridiculous thing have you bought in error/haste. :(
Copper is rather different! I've bought all sorts of shit in the past, clothes way too big, that look like tents! Better than being super skin tight though!
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Some lovely new mugs lets be different yey!! Copper ones ... lovely..
Mr F heres your coffee.. Are the handles supposed to get that hot?? I know i.. i know.. bloody meant for cold drinks. Meh? What ridiculous thing have you bought in error/haste. :(
Enamel metal mugs are the same .... Painful with hot drinks.... Although may suit a hardcore Sado masachist

Deleted member 1402

I bought a DVD that wasn't regional to this country, wouldn't play on any device I had!


18 July 2015
Some lovely new mugs lets be different yey!! Copper ones ... lovely..
Mr F heres your coffee.. Are the handles supposed to get that hot?? I know i.. i know.. bloody meant for cold drinks. Meh? What ridiculous thing have you bought in error/haste. :(
Hahaha you plonker you, I have never bought anything like that, I shall have a think xx
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15 September 2014
A red pointed laser pen... Bought it to wind my cats up.. Ended up teasing my neighbour's Rottweiler up with it for two days only.. Because now the poor dab runs around in circles chasing the floor and walls outside, looking for it as he became addicted to it. All 12st of him.
Oops :oops: