Article 50

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Now you just know this to be wrong, please.
Nope. I've been there. I once had a consultation with an endocrinologist about my thyroid. I had to explain to him the difference between half lives of T3 and T4. Come on!


So there's the problem. We need more public spending, not more immigration. Of course, the moneyed folk want cheap nannies and builders, even though (most) do a shit job...
I have worked with so many immigrants to this country and they will all work hard and do a very good job.


Now you just know this to be wrong, please.
I used to be a theatre technician in an operating theatre in the south east. One night I was called in for an emergency appendicitis operation on a 13 year old girl. The locom surgeon was new to me, and he proceeded to made a very small incision. This he then found he was unable to proceed. He then made a much larger incision, and proceeded with the operation. With the intestines partially out he then started to push them back in using two Spencer Wells? ( He ripped the intestines). We asked him to stop, but he refused. We rang the registrar who said he would come in. But he was not in time to stop this and a few days later the child died. It was found that the locom was not qualified and had bought his certificates. He was in fact a nurse from India.


I used to be a theatre technician in an operating theatre in the south east. One night I was called in for an emergency appendicitis operation on a 13 year old girl. The locom surgeon was new to me, and he proceeded to made a very small incision. This he then found he was unable to proceed. He then made a much larger incision, and proceeded with the operation. With the intestines partially out he then started to push them back in using two Spencer Wells? ( He ripped the intestines). We asked him to stop, but he refused. We rang the registrar who said he would come in. But he was not in time to stop this and a few days later the child died. It was found that the locom was not qualified and had bought his certificates. He was in fact a nurse from India.
This is very sad but surely a one off!
I know alot of nurses and they all agree we would be up shit creek without over seas medical support.


11 August 2015
I think we can all pick out individual cases for and against Brexit but looking at the macro view, at the vote results/demographics, that answers a lot of questions.


This is very sad but surely a one off!
I know alot of nurses and they all agree we would be up shit creek without over seas medical support.
No, unfortunately not a one off. The consultant I saw was from Pakistan, where bribery and payoffs are commonplace, sadly.
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No, unfortunately not a one off. The consultant I saw was from Pakistan, where bribery and payoffs are commonplace, sadly.
Well if this going on surly this is a problem with the recruitment proses? And if it is such a big problem in Pakistan when the hell are we isolating all the European doctors and medical staff and as I pointed out previously going to have to start to recruit from Asia/India/Pakistan where you tell me all the awful doctors are coming from?


Well if this going on surly this is a problem with the recruitment proses? And if it is such a big problem in Pakistan when the hell are we isolating all the European doctors and medical staff and as I pointed out previously going to have to start to recruit from Asia/India/Pakistan where you tell me all the awful doctors are coming from?
We need to start investing in our own people....


We need to start investing in our own people....
I full agree but that is one of the many reasons why we should not have left Europe until this kind of thing was planned for. Training our own is going to take a good five years. More for doctors. Europeans are leaving today as they do not feel comfortable in the United Kingdom any more.


Probably less than you may think though my friend. Certainly not enough to cause mass disruption to the UK's infrastructure.
2 years for a nurse if they already have a degree, otherwise 4 I think. Doctors 6 or 7 years. Still need to find the money to train them all as well pall.
19 March 2015
2 years for a nurse if they already have a degree, otherwise 4 I think. Doctors 6 or 7 years. Still need to find the money to train them all as well pall.
Oh of course, but it's not as if we've lost the lot overnight either. Honestly, don't think it's as Armageddon as you may think. There's always people in line. Always. :)


Na, its not armageddon. But its not helping any. As I said it just alot of hassle for not very much in return.
16 October 2015
The main reason I voted out was because of the beauracratic nonsense that comes from Brussels and Strasbourg. It's a money pit that we won't be paying into anymore. The whole council and documents move to Strasbourg for 4 days a month and then gets shipped back. What the frig is that all about. Someone has their hand in the till in my opinion and this institution is as bad as FIFA for corruptness.


The main reason I voted out was because of the beauracratic nonsense that comes from Brussels and Strasbourg. It's a money pit that we won't be paying into anymore. The whole council and documents move to Strasbourg for 4 days a month and then gets shipped back. What the frig is that all about. Someone has their hand in the till in my opinion and this institution is as bad as FIFA for corruptness.
Because the money our money is going to be in much better hands with our truthful politicians with there second home and general tax evasion.


It's ok for the ones that want to stay here but what about the ones working here and sending all our money back home I class it as bleeding our country