Well the world's your oyster here. We have an area for stories, fantasies and so on.We start to undress her while she, being a slightly randy girl, fondles our cocks. Mmm.
Sort of wondering whether to spend an hour writing out one of our sessions in detail. Hm.
Sounds like a superb evening indeed.You're on. One day soon then.
Perhaps the time she was wearing kickers and bra and a long cardigan. The deal was I simply watched those two and he got naked and started to have her on the kitchen stool while I got hard and she got very VERY wet.
Well what a way to start the day. Who the heck needs Weetabix!That, dear boy, was an 8am breakfast meeting. It was hard to work after that.
That warm, sexy, friendly and almost 'loving' feeling, the warm fuzzy feeling - is irreplaceable in my honest and personal opinion. (Within this lifestyle)It was truly amazing. Lovely. We have beer once felt dirty in a threesome, just horny, sexy, warm and friendly
Sick of stalkers now so it's a hotel or nothing these days..So you have invited someone to your home for that first time with all the usual intentions but how do you set the scene?
Do you turn it into a romantic scenario with candles, soft music, a nice meal perhaps and a few drinks.
On the other hand is it just a meet where you want to get on with it? Cold but this is how a lot of people see swinging.
I think a little wooing goes a long way and unless you are in a club then it's something different when it's your home.
Funny and sex what a combinationBest atmosphere is where laughter and sex filled laughter come together.
Oh and a decent massage... I have two hands for a reason.. and can massage very easily using both hands individually.
Being quite ambidextrous is fun.![]()
That seems like my kinda preference.What about massage?
I love a sensual massage but I have to know the person. X
Lavender & Jasmine oil from Neal's YardBetter be the real McCoy no cheapy baby oil
Lavender & Jasmine oil from Neal's Yard
The lush smell of lavender xxGood choice - I sleep with lavender
Although Mandrin extract is very invigorating