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Auction Closed Results Below.. ♡♡♡



What's the MTF stand for? x
Why meet the fockers of course!
No we had an auction.. to raise fund for ss for fun of course..
People bid.. on members.
If they 'won' that member that member then had to write the name of the winner on their body... and post a picture here.
I do believe from memory...
Mrnmrs marmite won you guys... for £25.00... so THEY have to write your names on a body part.. hope this makes some sense.. we actually raised quite a bit of money... xx


VIP Member
24 September 2015
Fantastic, so they write "Mingles" on themselves and we pay the £25? Or is it the other way around? lol xx
Reactions: Admin


Fantastic, so they write "Mingles" on themselves and we pay the £25? Or is it the other way around? lol xx
Its the other way round hun.. theey paid for you so they have to pay... and write your name now bug them... i do believe their pic is outstanding!! Xxx
Reactions: Admin and Mingles


Will pay cash to admin on Thursday, pic still to follow, yes we know it's been a few days but have had things to do
Reactions: Therapon
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