Body Hair On Men

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15 August 2015
Ahhhh another question about men's body hair! What are people's preference on body hair? I've been smooth, trimmed and natural and prefer the trimmed look at the moment. The tricky part is downstairs as at what point do you go to trimmed from natural? When do you start grading it down!? :rofl:

Just a bit of fun really but interested to know people's thoughts :)

Deleted member 1402

I like to see some hair on a guy, it's very manly in my opinion. A nice hairy chest and trimmed down below.
It's up to you when you want to trim. Perhaps before a meet?
I knew a guy that would wax everything, including his legs! :eek:
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I like to see some hair on a guy, it's very manly in my opinion. A nice hairy chest and trimmed down below.
It's up to you when you want to trim. Perhaps before a meet?
I knew a guy that would wax everything, including his legs! :eek:
Yes this x :D

Deleted member 2610

I like to see some hair on a guy, it's very manly in my opinion. A nice hairy chest and trimmed down below.
It's up to you when you want to trim. Perhaps before a meet?
I knew a guy that would wax everything, including his legs! :eek:
Shhhh that was our secret lol x :0))


Have shaved my cock and balls for many years and trimmed my pubic hair closely - apart from the skin-to-skin sex contact, it was more comfortable when serving in the tropics. Before we go on holiday each year, Rose helps me shave off all my body hair (apart from my head) because we stay at naturist campsites. Most naturists on the continent are 'smoothies' - no body hair at all, it's great in the heat. French swinger men shave all pubic and C&B hair, but leave the rest of the body hairy - looks a bit odd!
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I think it's nice to have a variety that's the joy of swinging
As long as it's trimmed down below :eek:
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