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  • Thread starter Deleted member 1402
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18 July 2015
Politics and people who can only hold a conversation about themselves.... Yawn


Miserable folks.. the oh whoa im having such a terrible time brigade..
People with no sense of humour..
People who are up their own bums.. Wannabe snobs.. who think they are better than everyone else!!
Judgemental people!!!
Ok i'll stop now..

Deleted member 4901

If you had the ability to bore people's pants off, think of the fun you could have.

Official paperwork.
Automated phone systems.
Dentists waiting rooms.
People who talk only about other people and not ideas.
Washing up.


18 July 2015
If you had the ability to bore people's pants off, think of the fun you could have.

Official paperwork.
Automated phone systems.
Dentists waiting rooms.
People who talk only about other people and not ideas.
Washing up.
You need a dishwasher


Lol bloody hell que the violins.. ok
Perspective.. we have a 68 yr old patient.. she is physcotic.. she was smuggled in on a lorry 4yrs ago.. shes from afgahnistan.. spelling i know.
She wont let any of us near her.. screams constantly.. in her language whatever it maybe.. ?? She understands non of us..
Her history..
She was raped.. then saw her children be-headed..
No wonder shes barking!!
So.. if your feeling poo!! Spare a thought for others.. usually works for me xx


Jesus the poor woman xxxx
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