Ok so listening to Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 and I can not believe the mindless idiotic behaviour of what we once called human beings and adult ones at that. So our country has now come to blocking roads and chucking milkshake at people....
Now you may think that’s fine or that’s funny but have we really stooped to a level where violence on any level is ok?
When Farage got attacked by milkshake everyone laughed.. All I saw was a guy being attacked and in a very public place, let’s also remember a few weeks previous an 8yr old boy died from the same fate as he was allergic to milk, should that be classed as worse than the idiots chucking acid?
Violence is violence no matter what..
When Extinction Rebellion blocked roads in Bristol did they have any concern for a family trying to get through to rush to the hospital where their dad was dying and because of those actions they couldn’t get to him and he died alone. ER apologised but still feel they have to block roads.. Stopping doctors in cars trying to get to patients who are terminally ill..
What has this country come to?
Brexit will happen because the majority of this country voted.
We are now fighting the bigots who need a brain transplant that think our vote wasn’t democratic.
Not my normal voice and yes I googled a few words to make sure I got it right
Pearls over and out