Cats Or Dogs???

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15 September 2014
Dog lovers here, have a Frenchie but have two cats too. Our Frenchie is gorgeous. She's a proper pampered pooch, proper princess.
Spoilt rotten. Second Frenchie we've had and we love them. So placid and playful. Very much the jokers in the pack. :)
Meet our little one;

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Definitely cats, have 3 Burmese cats that sometimes think they're dogs! Completely mad but adorable too!
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Dogs here! We have a cocker spaniel, G's fifth in a row since he was early 20s. He's a lovely companion and you can see his expression "oh no, not again!" when he's shut in the kitchen during swinging meets. Sometimes he escapes when people are getting a drink and he'll go around looking at the action with interest. Our previous cocker was disgusted by human mating and would go to, and stay in, her bed whenever it was going on.
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We're dog lovers, we've currently got two Rotties, we did have 3 but sadly the eldest girl (the boss) passed away earlier this year so we now only have a pampered princess and a gentle giant of a boy who is soft as a brush.

It's not always easy to make arrangements for nights or weekends away, etc. but we wouldn't be without them for the world :)
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I have an old English sheep dog, 2 wrabbits called Easter & Henrietta and koi who are all called Bob, recently PC Rascal the pussie is no more with us, so I would say I love dogs and cats, but think I'm more of a dog woman :p X