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(I thought I'd read that there's a tech support thread, but can't find it, so....)

A couple of times I've seen a pinky coloured 1 appear above the "chat now" tab in the corner of my screen.

When I press it though, it takes me to a list of online users, but nothing specific looking.

Am I missing something, or is this a feature that just doesn't like to work on my (android) phone?

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This happens to me.. i have put it down to my android phone.
The other time i find it happens.. people try to natter to me.. i dont always reply straight away, when i do, theyve left chat.
I shall get @Admin along to perhaps enlighten further. X
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Being a newbie, i was wondering this also as the pinky 1 has appeared for me also on android phone
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Yes unfortunately on here somethings work better on android some things dont im afraid, im sure if it can be sorted it will be. But i fear on this occassion good old android is dare i say it slightly behind!@ x
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15 September 2014
(I thought I'd read that there's a tech support thread, but can't find it, so....)

A couple of times I've seen a pinky coloured 1 appear above the "chat now" tab in the corner of my screen.

When I press it though, it takes me to a list of online users, but nothing specific looking.

Am I missing something, or is this a feature that just doesn't like to work on my (android) phone?

Hello Curious and thank you for the post..
Thanks also Mrs MTF for the tag.

Okay this sadly IS a bug/issue with the chat on mobile.
What it means is someone has sent you a message on chat, as in live chat. And you have missed it either by being 'offline' or off the site, or by not hearing the alert and so on.
The issue then is, when you open the chat - specifically if the message was sent some time ago, then yes you'd not be shown anything. Frustrating I know..

However, when you are actively using chat, the list of members who have contacted you will have a 1 or more next to their name instead of the 0.

This is an issue and has been an issue for this chat since day 1.
The option around it, is either to ignore it and thus wait for the person to contact you again, or disable it completely one 2 one meaning you'd have to use the chatrooms feature instead where you can then chat but publicly instead of the 121.

I know this may not help but there is very little I can do due to the nature of how alerts for chats are handled on mobile devices...
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15 September 2014
You're most welcome. :)
One thing I have experimented with, was tying up chat with private messaging. Problem I had though was people's messages inboxes were filling fast.
Far from ideal..


It's a shame there's no log somewhere of who has tried to chat with you.

I have no idea who it was... And I could be missing out :rolleyes:


15 September 2014
It's a shame there's no log somewhere of who has tried to chat with you.

I have no idea who it was... And I could be missing out :rolleyes:
The same could be said if joining a chat room, then leaving and people then saying "hiya Curious..."

You've left, so have no idea. ;)
I am sure though that if people are really keen on contacting you, they will PM you. (y)


15 September 2014
Hi all,
Even though I know this is an issue, can you please take me screenshots of the notifications and then a screenshot of the screen after you click the icon - and it being empty besides who's online, please?

This is quite important if you could do that.
Again I believe it's messages you may miss but if also a bug then we need to try and track it.
Thanks ever so much for your help :) x


To be honest I think its more the chat itself than what device your using as I experience this on desktop as well as mobile. I tend to find if u wait for a while after you seen the pinkie then usually the message will eventually pop up, next time it happens will take a SS xx


15 September 2014
Bug submitted to bug tracker so now we wait.
Thank you for the help. Integrations can be done fine, specifically to your private messages, but I don't want to flood people's inboxes.
Finding the right balance is the key.
Unless we switch off mobile chat entirely and leave it for chatrooms.....

Thing is with that, who is used to it, relies upon it - and who doesn't and can live without it on mobile?
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18 July 2015
Bug submitted to bug tracker so now we wait.
Thank you for the help. Integrations can be done fine, specifically to your private messages, but I don't want to flood people's inboxes.
Finding the right balance is the key.
Unless we switch off mobile chat entirely and leave it for chatrooms.....

Thing is with that, who is used to it, relies upon it - and who doesn't and can live without it on mobile?
Oooo I love you being all technical darling :love::love::love::love:xxxxx
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