Clubs Or House Parties? Which Do You Prefer?

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15 August 2015
Me too. I've been to VA 3 times now and loved it. But think I'd like a house party. Been googling but not even sure where to find them.
People who have been on the scene a while tend to organise them. Keep going to clubs and you'll hear about then soon enough I would imagine.
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Been to many more clubs than house parties, but the parties we've been to have been very uninhibited. A lot more casual, a lot more swapping, and basically a lot more sexy. Unlike clubs, everyone has got nude soon after arrival and stayed that way until the end. Some have involved sleepovers to add to the fun. Most people at them have been friends or friends of friends which helps.
19 March 2015
As I'm new to all this, an interesting question came up in conversation last night about swinging house parties and how they differ to meeting people at clubs. I'm just wondering really as would possibly like to attend a house party with James. What do you prefer and why? Thanks.
House parties and house entertaining is what we prefer, mostly because we're in the comfort of our own home and well we just prefer things to be more romantically intimate. :)
25 July 2016
We regularly go the Chameleons and enjoy it, even just the social side.

Never been to a house party, but would love to go and give it a try. Guess it would be a little harder for us at a party as we don't full swa
28 December 2016
We've before regular club goers now for a number of years. We've never done a house party though.
We would love to organise one where all the couples are friends or friends of friends, that could be very sexy we think. However walking into the unknown maybe very awkward if there is no one there we'd choose to play with. One day we'll get it sorted ;)
26 July 2016
We've before regular club goers now for a number of years. We've never done a house party though.
We would love to organise one where all the couples are friends or friends of friends, that could be very sexy we think. However walking into the unknown maybe very awkward if there is no one there we'd choose to play with. One day we'll get it sorted ;)
When we have been to this sort of thing its either everyone knows each other some how or if folks are strangers each couple has to have clear face pics available and be willing to show them to all others on the list so you have some idea what to except from everybody else.
11 September 2016
I've been to 3 clubs, 2 regularly, in my time. I've also been fortunate enough to recieve several house party invites.

Both have great, if different, vibes for me.

Clubs tend to feel more like a night out in a pub.. sort of a 'Christmas party' atmosphere. Everyone is bouncy and lively and there is generaly always something going on, somewhere. Parties are more relaxed, more social and you feel more in control of your own destiny. Probably because their smaller and you get to chat to everyone and don't lose people as much.

Both offer as much fun as you can shake a stick at!

I don't have a preference anymore. Variety is the spice of life..


I've never actually been to a club all my experiences have been at people's homes and I have to say I like the intimacy of that setting. Admittedly it's mostly with the same people but I just find it quite relaxed and decent people don't expect anything of you if you don't want to get involved.