Clubs Or House Parties? Which Do You Prefer?

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I tend to go to clubs as more people,as a single woman I feel safer there
Saying that I go to a established house party as know the hosts very well,know they have lots nice guests,been going occasionally for 3 years
Not keen on idea of private party if don't know hosts etc
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27 July 2016
We do the odd house party every now and again. We usually have met all the attendees though,rather than having a bunch of strangers. A hot tub helps as it is a natural focus and long hot summer days work as well as we have a private garden.
There are problems. Not everyone can make the date you decide on. One of the partners gets cold feet at the last minute so they cancel on the day. Then there is the cheekie ones that bring a few friends (usually male) with them. I invited twelve people round to a party,twelve turned up but only about six where people I had invited. Biggest problem of all though is getting a good mix. I could fill the house with randy guys but getting a 50/50 split is impossible. Tend to base it around the females and couples if they are up for it we can infill a few willing males. Actually a 60/40 split is ideal. 60% male,that way the ladies are really well looked after.
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29 December 2016
Thank you all for commenting. It's been really interesting reading your views and experiences. I love the Club atmosphere (even though I've only been to one club so far, 3 times. I'm hooked) I do really hope James and I can attend a house party together in the near future. Something to look forward to. :D xxx
10 March 2015
To be honest, I don't think there is a lot of difference between a club and a house party.
Now... before people jump up and down and start pointing out the obvious differences like a club may have a bar, or at least a BYOB arrangement etc, I'm well aware, we've been to several clubs, and quite a number of parties lol!
What I'm talking about is the "etiquette" of swinging... those "rules" that we all abide by.
No means no, wherever you are.
Drugs, drunkenness, and loutish behaviour are not tolerated etc, and gents... wiping your cock in the curtains is a definite social faux-pas lol!

Sure, the ambience will be different at a house party, it does feel more intimate, and clubs can, in parts, feel a little "seedy" or "naughty" (which is part of the fun). I can still remember the first house party we went to, the hostess gave us a quick tour of their "2 up 2 down", and we joined the 10 or so guests downstairs... drinking tea and coffee... and it had a surreal feel to it, a suburban tea-party where the subject up for discussion was sex lol. But, once the nerves had subsided, and the ladies had changed into outfits definitely NOT found in your usual tea-party, we were away.
Clubs are a little more "forward", once you get into the bar/social area there is usually more flesh on show more quickly, but, just like a house party, people tend to wander off to have fun elsewhere, and the atmosphere can feel a little more sexually charged, but people still sit around drinking tea and coffee and talk about sex lol.
In both, some just chat, some wander around watching others, some disappear into private rooms to do their "thang" unmolested, and some do it with gay abandon where ever and with whoever they feel the urge.

Bottom line, just do your thing, don't feel pressured to join in, and enjoy yourselves.