Cock Tease

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Deleted member 3289

My thoughts were that if a lady is a cock tease she leads a guy on gets him all hot under rhe collar but has no intention of following through with her actions. Xx
I agree in part but surely it's up to the lady to decide at anytime if she want to switch from cock tease to cock please...? I'd be happy to leave it in her hands if I thought the feeling might be mutual!


I agree in part but surely it's up to the lady to decide at anytime if she want to switch from cock tease to cock please...? I'd be happy to leave it in her hands if I thought the feeling might be mutual!

I agree im not saying its right or wrong merely my opinnion of the defination of cock tease as that was the opening thread xx


Oh blimey, this is a hard one, no pun.
Theres a fine line between flirting and cock teasing.
I think a lot ladies are guilty of both on here to a certain degree, i know i am.
And before theres an up roar how cheeky i NEVER do.. ahem oh yes you do its the nature of the site.
And its FUN.
I think for some ladies its a bit of a power thing..
Yes I'm still attractive, desired yes ive still got it.
I think it becomes wrong, when people are promised.. certain delights and, the person promising, knows full well they are never going to carry the promise out..does that make sense? Ive seen it so many timess.. a gent being excited to the point of exploding only to see the brakes go on and often...
recieve a complaint.. he sent me a pic of his cock im reporting him well no, disrespect but what the hell did you expect?? ..
Too me this is a cock tease. Can i just say i have also seen the boot be on the other foot.. i guess these must be pussy teasers. :D

Flirting is a different matter.. i'm a huge and in the *real* world..
As is Mr F he, hes much worse than me! And will flirt with anyone.. a grannie at the school, or a sexy minx at the local.. pub.. mwahhh


11 August 2015
Ive heard the phrase used in a few situations but Id go with MTF's description of a female prepared to physically play with a guy but has no intention of givung him satisfaction.
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Can recall cock teasers when I was much younger, but not really come across any since. One thing quite a few women did was to say "I never have sex on the first date" and then change their minds when we got down to kissing and touching. Wonder if it's a defence mechanism, cock teasers are worried about being thought of as too slutty if they went through with the whole thing? Or maybe some are real bitches who enjoy frustrating men? That seems dangerous for them if they provoke too much, some men wouldn't be able to stop - as you read in the papers frequently.
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I think there's a difference between cock tease and flirty rapport.
My interpretation as others have already mentioned is a woman who leads a man on to think he is within a shout but has no intention of seeing it through - a power trip, confirmation of desirability or just plain old arsehole. I'd avoid this kind of person. I tend to think it's someone who has little confidence and constantly needs reassurance that she still has it.
However the flirty rapport is something different as it's just two friends flirting but for one reason or another know they'll never get to second base- distance,relationship status or just don't need to take it to that level etc.
30 October 2015
I've always considered it too be when the lady goes beyond flirting and there's a distinct belief with the man that there will be sex
(snogging, fondling, clothes undone) and then WHAM goodnight see you tomorrow


The most extreme tease I had was in my early 20s. I took a girl to bed and when we undressed she wouldn't take her knickers off. She let me touch her under them, but that was it. We spent the night together and she slept in my arms, still in her knickers, but no penetration whatever I said or did; she just wanted a cuddle. I did cum but not with her assistance, very frustrating! Needless to say I didn't want to see her again. Other teasers didn't go that far.
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Deleted member 3289

The most extreme tease I had was in my early 20s. I took a girl to bed and when we undressed she wouldn't take her knickers off. She let me touch her under them, but that was it. We spent the night together and she slept in my arms, still in her knickers, but no penetration whatever I said or did; she just wanted a cuddle. I did cum but not with her assistance, very frustrating! Needless to say I didn't want to see her again. Other teasers didn't go that far.
That sounds fine to me. Maybe she just wanted an intimate cuddle and to take things slowly?...


18 July 2015
I had an interesting conversation with a member a few weeks ago and we were talking about this. basically he felt that after a lot of flirting and banter and messaging, he seems to have gone so far and he was blown out, so my question is to anyone, male and female do you feel teased and not understand why?
Are there people here that get a kick out of teasing and then say on your bike?
Be interesting to know. ;)


I had an interesting conversation with a member a few weeks ago and we were talking about this. basically he felt that after a lot of flirting and banter and messaging, he seems to have gone so far and he was blown out, so my question is to anyone, male and female do you feel teased and not understand why?
Are there people here that get a kick out of teasing and then say on your bike?
Be interesting to know. ;)
Cock teased? Lucky devils. I'd be happy with just being teased right now! Lol
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17 March 2017
I had an interesting conversation with a member a few weeks ago and we were talking about this. basically he felt that after a lot of flirting and banter and messaging, he seems to have gone so far and he was blown out, so my question is to anyone, male and female do you feel teased and not understand why?
Are there people here that get a kick out of teasing and then say on your bike?
Be interesting to know. ;)
I never tease a women I may delay her pleasure point(cum) but never tease x