Well its simple to answer.. You meet people, have a drink.. Great sex . Easy
Or is it?
In fact It's hard work.. Most people out there are fake; keyboard wankers; voyeurs; non verified or all of the above...
A very high percentage won't turn up... Our record stands at 44 no shows in a row...
It's not as easy or as glamorous as you think..
People use fake pictures and videos etc..
Twitter is mainly false...
It's why I nagged and nagged @Admin to go down the photo verified path on here ..
So given all my issues why do I do it?
I do it because of the adrenaline rush that lasts for days once it works.. It's addictive.... But it is a difficult journey, even for me...
That one meeting that puts all the bad ones to the back of your mind..
The thousands of messages I get a month that at best may produce three or so people that eventually lead to one meeting...
I am sure telesales has a better conversion rate .
Sure there are short cuts of course, lowering my standards or going to clubs etc but again it depends on what you want to get out of this .. And clubs still don't offer guarantees... While diluting my fantasy isn't an option ..
As for the people who contact me... Escorts can sometimes work out to be cheaper than booking trains hotels etc ...... But you don't go down that road .. So why do it ?...
Why does this scene attract you?
Why are you here and what success are you having.?