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15 September 2014
Ah bless.. You just need an android.
All your problems will be fixed.
Automatic little robot update things come and fix bits. Nice little green Man from catchphrase, although I thought he was yellow, maybe it's his brother..
Ahh that little green man, yeah he's cool he is. Always looks green, with a Granny Smith colour green.. Suits him.
He should consider changing his costume though, and putting on a real dress. ;)
They are the same aren't they? Well spotted.
Long lost twins, must be. :D


15 September 2014
Don't forget peeps, we used to have a fully paid membership system, but we had the plug pulled from us by PayPal.
We now have a new merchant and new bank and will be able to resume again, but an ETA to resuming is currently unknown because I have lots of criteria to meet before they will allow us to continue with paid membership upgrades.

And the paid upgrades are the platinum accounts, where almost everything is unlimited. :) x
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Ok in all fairness.. this sites growing.. you dont get anything in life for free.. hell its 5p for a bloody carrier bag mehhh..
new servers have been purchased and countless other crap.. as im sure you are aware, techy crap is expensive..
i also think most of you will agree when i say..
that most users here would be quite happy to pay a small fee. For certain premium services..
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15 September 2014
You are not thick, I know that.
To be fair, here's not he best place to discuss this.. It's a bit long winded in all honesty.
We used to do just that but PayPal weren't keen on us as a community. Put it that way. :) x


It's December and that's the month I make my yearly donation to Everyman. This year I thought i'd do things a little differently.

For every member that donates to Everyman and posts in this thread with a screegrab etc will have my undying love and appreciation. Your you can DM me the info too if it shows personal info like name etc.

Everyman Appeal

Now here's the fun part, for every donation here I will match it and that will be my yearly donation to Everyman .

You're probably thinking "Elvis why are you posting that here?" and that's a good question because here's the great part - not only will I match the donation you make to Everyman I will also contribute that amount to the SocialSwinging kitty.

I know it's weird that you'd donate to a charity instead of contributing some funds here and that's a valid point, so if you wanted to be extra super you could contribute to both! :) For that you get a virtual hug from me and my highest level of respect!

Just a little fun and two great organizations get some funds. Everyman is a great cause that is close to my heart which I don't really want to get into here (i'm happy to discuss in private before you donate if you'd like). You can read all about them on the JustGiving page as well as HERE

MODS - If this is inappropriate or against the rules please delete and apologies in advance


15 September 2014
That seriously is a very worthy cause and extremely generous & kind of you... For everyman I mean. Wow.. That's a very generous thing for you to do and undertake yearly.
Good for you @EvilS and you should feel very proud of yourself. x
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I tried (and failed) to get onto there London Marathon team after I missed the general ballot.
I'll be trying again next year :)
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15 September 2014
I tried (and failed) to get onto there London Marathon team after I missed the general ballot.
I'll be trying again next year :)
Go for it! Running that Marathon is FAR from easy I should imagine... (y)