Core Members/core Group

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4 July 2017
Eyup you three.

Something seems to have got lost in translation somewhere :unsure:.

We are not suggesting we start a club or a clique of our own. We were addressing that the fact some members seem to think that there is a core group of users on here that some people find it hard to join. We are not trying to single anybody out or cause a political drama or anything like that :confused:.

Personally we do not think there is a core group and most people are happy to talk to anybody. All it takes is to jump into the forums and chat away.

The question we were originally asking I suppose is do you personally think there is a core group of members and do you find it difficult or easy to join in the forums?

Just to reiterate we are definately not trying to start a club. (y):)

B x
Again, I think you misunderstand me; I said it's a good idea in principle, presumably with sound practical reasons.

My only warning was to keep other people included or informed :)
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5 July 2016
I'm not sure wether this is partly, wholey or not aimed at me because I used the word core in my post about membership upgrades.
When I used the word core I ment those members that put time and effort into the site. Posting in forums, contributing towards costs, engaging new members and promoting the site to friends and those they meet in clubs when their home life allows.
I certainly didn't mean any sort of clique or exclusive group of any sort. I think every member on this site has been open and welcoming online aswell as in real life. Like those we met at festival for example.
As for who's in it? Well I guess that would be those that do one or more of the above. If you do then congrats you're all in the core as I ment it in my post.
Hi @Phoenixcouplexx. This thread was in no way shape or aimed at you guys. Perhaps the subconscious brain picked up on the word 'core' when creating the thread. Apologies :tiphat:.

I agree with what you are saying though. Everybody was friendly and welcoming when we joined too. We started seeing the little friendship circles but no we didn't come across an 'exclusive club either'. Maybe we weren't invited :rofl:

B x
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Deleted member 3657

I think as with the current political and SJW types that some are getting too focused on the beed of putting a label on something. A "clique" would imply a group of members who all chat in a closed enclave and only a select few are allowed, where as the "core group" is nothing more than regular contributors. So for instance @Phoenixcouplexx or @Baldricknkaz and myself, we don't interact privately, we're not in a clique together yet we see each other on threads regularly. We are nothing more than a collective bunch of members who happen to be more active on the site as a whole, together.


I wouldnt stress it, 'core' was a word i used too.
Its one word that was picked out amongst hundreds..
Maybe i should have used foundation? I don't know? I dont profess, to be a litery expert!
Does it matter?

Core Membership comes with special privileges in return for that commitment, but perhaps the greatest privilege is the knowledge that the entire community can continue to prosper and grow!!!!

5 July 2016
The problem is perception, if a person or group of people believe there is a core group, then to them there is, regardless whether one actually exists or not.

It's the same in all walks of life I'm afraid, you get people who participate, those who stand by the side lines, those afraid to join in and those who just want to stand and whinge and moan about everything and nothing.
Is there a core group? We don't think so, we've been made welcome by a lot of people so far and that's what the site in our opinion is for, to grow it's membership and people's opportunities within the lifestyle.

No matter what's said, it's very difficult to change someone's perception or beliefs.
Excellent response you two. Very perceptive ;).

You know, you just might've hit the nail on the head and summed it up very nicely. Welcome to the club (oh gawd only joking :D).
I dont think there's anything to add, perception is key, good analagy used. You two can go to the top of the class (y).



Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
Excellent response you two. Very perceptive ;).

You know, you just might've hit the nail on the head and summed it up very nicely. Welcome to the club (oh gawd only joking :D).
I dont think there's anything to add, perception is key, good analagy used. You two can go to the top of the class (y).

Shall I stay at the back chucking bits of paper? :D

N xxx
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5 July 2016
I think people need to take a step back and take a look at the question again. It's not aimed at anyone in particular and if people read the first couple of pages (I suspect some haven't as posts seem to go of on a tangent) you'll see that there are some very good reasoned responses that are not aimed anyone, not talking about creating a clique, not talking about some special group of members but actually explain things rather clearly.
There's around 4000 members on this site yet I would suggest only about a hundred or so post anything. Within that hundred or so are the same members who post much more regular on threads, welcome new members, offer advice, write reviews and generally are somewhat much more active. It's not a selective group of members, it's not something that has been created and it is certainly not something that offers anything special. Lots saying they don't think there is a core group, but there are more regularly active members.
Thank you @Kwaka_Rider for that :love:. We were starting to slip down that rabbit hole you mentioned earlier.
Do people do that by the way? Jump onto a thread without reading the thread intro?

As you say the first page had some good reasoned responses to the original question and then it somehow devolved into us trying to start a club :confused::palm:.

Again thank you for the clarification and help :tiphat:.

B x
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Deleted member 8095

Excellent response you two. Very perceptive ;).

You know, you just might've hit the nail on the head and summed it up very nicely. Welcome to the club (oh gawd only joking :D).
I dont think there's anything to add, perception is key, good analagy used. You two can go to the top of the class (y).

Thank you balders, maybe I did listen at school after all !!!!!!!!
5 July 2016
Umm interesting posts over the last 3 pages, here's how I see it, core group maybe, maybe not, cliquey maybe, maybe not, I think it's just about how much time you have to log on to the site, some are able to look while at work some can't, some people are at home all day others are at work, it's all down to time so some members will be more active than others. N
Glad to see some folk do start reading from page 1 :D.
Yes sometimes getting time to jump into the forums can be difficult, we do not feel there is a 'Core Group' or a clique.
For example we might only talk to you and Julie once a week in the Cockwell Inn, but we certainley don't feel like we couldn't approach you because of some 'clique'.
In fact we have approached you before and we have spoken once or twice and you made us feel very welcome when we first joined :love:

5 July 2016
Again, I think you misunderstand me; I said it's a good idea in principle, presumably with sound practical reasons.

My only warning was to keep other people included or informed :)
How to respond when we're not quite sure if we're smoking the substance :whistle::p?

Eureeka. The penny has dropped. This thread was all for nought.
There is a 'Core Group', there is a 'clique' from the rest of society. We all joined it. It's called '' ;):)

B x
25 July 2016
To be honest I think there are "core members" or are they just members who write more for us readers same thing in my book. So if you want to join this non existent group get partaking more it doesn't hurt in any shape or form lol
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27 July 2017
We like meeting the quite one's who hide away in the corner,

AS new member to this site its like most forums you will get a small percentage of users reading the posts and the regulars posting replies, as long as it stays entertaining and informative people will hang around.

But take a more round view of the site , if you are interested in meeting then we think its more possible then other sites, if you just want to wank over the photos and video's then thats fine, as to regular members posting in the forums it usually go's in a circle . CC
27 April 2015
I think the real definition of core member is one that contributes and participates in the various discussions and forums, and actively gets fully involved on a regular basis,
There again it could by definition define an original few that were among the first people joining the site, at its inception, and are still here.
Either way, and for whatever reason a core member is defined, they are all as essential as the newbie that joined 10 mins ago xxx keep it up guys, and girls, you all know who you are xx


15 September 2014
I think the real definition of core member is one that contributes and participates in the various discussions and forums, and actively gets fully involved on a regular basis,
There again it could by definition define an original few that were among the first people joining the site, at its inception, and are still here.
Either way, and for whatever reason a core member is defined, they are all as essential as the newbie that joined 10 mins ago xxx keep it up guys, and girls, you all know who you are xx
Agreed and it's something that will always continue to evolve, regardless of some people leaving or not. x


So I'm almost kicking round a year with two small periods of absence

I was welcomed by all the members on site

I think there are regular contributors to the community and get the "social " part

Should you choose to get involved it will be to your own choice , you get back out what you put in

As for talking n chatting I suppose I'd talk hind legs off a donkey ...and chat to everyone but have Formed closer friendships and relationships with a few

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26 July 2016
I guess its how you see yourselves on the site really. We dont see ourselves as core members at all. We dont often chat with anyone or meet up at the socials. We would say we stand on the outter ring of the site chucking our thoughts into the forums from time to time. Having said that we have never felt excluded from any part of the site or by anyone. I would say the site has got a core group as such and that would be the people who meet up at socials and things but i dont think it is something exclusive any of us would be welcomed if we decided to meet up with the core.
19 March 2015
I guess its how you see yourselves on the site really. We dont see ourselves as core members at all. We dont often chat with anyone or meet up at the socials. We would say we stand on the outter ring of the site chucking our thoughts into the forums from time to time. Having said that we have never felt excluded from any part of the site or by anyone. I would say the site has got a core group as such and that would be the people who meet up at socials and things but i dont think it is something exclusive any of us would be welcomed if we decided to meet up with the core.
Well.... you are though to a degree. I think it's fair to say that anyone who is actively supporting the site via posts, profile posts to others, updates.. chats and so on, is to be considered as a part of that 'core' group as you're helping to form and continuing to grow the foundations of the site.
Remembering; we're still in an infancy at 3 so everyone is shaping this site for the years to come. :)