Crossing Boundaries.

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19 March 2015
Have you ever accidentally crossed a forbidden boundary, to find you / you both actually enjoyed it were happy with it and therefore would do it again?
Or have done since?
If so, what have you experienced that you never thought you would, or would want to, but now do and enjoy it? Even if occasionally a one off?
Be honest :sneaky: x
26 October 2018
No I haven’t and wouldn’t, boundaries are just that and sacrosanct for me ! Now give me a soft limit and I’ll push it all day :sneaky::sneaky:
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10 July 2018
Have you ever accidentally crossed a forbidden boundary

No. Or at least, not that I’m aware. Other people’s boundaries are - to me - absolute and never to be crossed; it’s a mark of respect, as much as anything else. (cf prev comments on what people are looking for; I’d never have approached someone who had an age limit younger than me, even if it was only a year or two younger.)

My own hard no-no boundaries? Yes, on occasion, but less in swinging and more romantically. It’s rarely worked out well for anyone involved. My own gut instincts (for me, I stress) tend to be right, and I overrule them at my peril.
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18 July 2015
Have you ever accidentally crossed a forbidden boundary, to find you / you both actually enjoyed it were happy with it and therefore would do it again?
Or have done since?
If so, what have you experienced that you never thought you would, or would want to, but now do and enjoy it? Even if occasionally a one off?
Be honest :sneaky: x
I dunno :eek::rofl:


11 August 2015
Yes and no.

Whilst I haven't yet crossed any of my boundaries I have found, since I first joined this site, that my boundaries have changed. I know that may seem odd but when I first joined here as a single guy I had some naive ideas about what I believed swinging was all about. Time and experience have changed those perceptions although I still have a few that will probably always remain in place.
9 January 2018
I'd say that hard limits are just that. They can be renegotiated but I think that should be done in a non-play environment not when you are on an endorphin high. Soft limits are there to be pushed though :devil:
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Deleted member 11852

We would never cross anyone's boundaries out of respect more than anything and we would expect the same in return..they are there for a reason..we have them because we don't enjoy certain things with others it's more personal reasons but we think the respect should still come from all parties involved..w..:tiphat: