Yes I do.
I used to believe in God. But I went through hell a sheer misery of a life, so I found the devil. Then through my own decisive actions I denounced God as an older teenager. But believed in the devil. So if there's a devil there's a God, correct?
So with this, I realised that it would be ignorant to believe we live die and that's it.
I suffer the most bizarre dreams, some involving ancient times or even recent times in my own city - say within 300 years.
I believe in reincarnation, ghosts and spirits. Because, our body dies, we are dead.. but our soul does not!
What is it that drives us in the mornings to get up, wash, go to work and be the person we are? We are complete individuals and there is no-one on the planet like you or me. We are unique, die our bodies may.. but what happens to our souls?
They don't just vanish into thin air surely?
How can we have souls and be so different, yet that is the end?
I've had dreams of being in the womb, being in WWII, being in Egypt with the Pyramids. Are these active dreams which are my imagination? Or are they real?
Because - and this always stumped me and my psycho - they're recurring...
So yes, I believe in an afterlife, another being of sorts and that we're here for a fraction of actual time, but time is not relative in this situation. Time is actually the same as death with life. x