do you ever look and wonder

  • Thread starter 50moreshades
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do you ever look and wonder and say to they are they def aren't....what personality is a swinger? is their a stereo type? my opinion is yes...they are outgoing and flirty and always have that twinkle in their eyes..

be interested in your comments

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19 March 2015
Yes. We are always out and about and wonder, do they, don't they? Vanilla? not?
Indeed, looking for that little twinkle.. that sparkle.

We actually bumped into someone, whom we didn't know, over the weekend - and nope.. definitely NOT vanilla :D
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dont think you can tell how kinky they are but i think you get the impression they would def be open to some adult play after a sherry or two ;)
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Yes everytime I go out and think is that person a swinger or not..Very childish but we do tend to have a laugh about it xxx
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we have actually been very naughty and turned an odd guy or two into swingers on a night
they keep coming back for
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Yes there is definitely a little something. :rolleyes: We noticed it after swinging for a little while. It's like a pervy radar! :surprise:
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after visiting the town house for the first time about 8 yrs ago..we walked along the harbour in liverpool and the shopping precints and really just judged were many def no ways but lots who prob would and did lol
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27 April 2015
Oooooh yes we do this all the time when out and about, that hint of confidence always leads us thinking hmmm they are lol xx
19 March 2015
do you ever look and wonder and say to they are they def aren't
We often seem to find it a magnetism sometimes. You just sometimes know.
We went away recently and a couple we saw, were definitely into 'it'. No denying it.
However, they had a snobbery about them.. Him more than her.
Anyway I digress. Fact is, yes, it's everywhere.. You just need to know where to look. ;)
10 July 2018
I think I’ve mentioned before that various coffee shops (where I often take the ipad to write¹) allow a surprising amount of latitude and I’ve seen various iPads and laptops accessing adult sites, including one or two venues I recognise from the scene.

¹for a writer, coffee shops are like mini-offices. Coffee is just the rent we pay to use a table for a while.
19 March 2015
I think I’ve mentioned before that various coffee shops (where I often take the ipad to write¹) allow a surprising amount of latitude and I’ve seen various iPads and laptops accessing adult sites, including one or two venues I recognise from the scene.

¹for a writer, coffee shops are like mini-offices. Coffee is just the rent we pay to use a table for a while.
Naughty buggers! We often see it out and about too. Game on I say ;)
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10 July 2018
Oh, in those circs, I’d never approach them… unless I actively recognised them, and even then, I’d send a message first.

I wouldn’t know if they’re waiting for someone, say, and would then have to ‘explain’ me, or whether they’d actually freak out at ‘scene’ stuff and real life colliding.

Deleted member 6485

At a Wedding Reception yesterday evening, i was people watching...and found my mind wandering as to weather anyone else in that room were 'in the scene'. Truth....i probably wouldn't know if it jumped out and smacked me in the face:rofl:.
I'm very poor at guaging people xx
10 July 2018
it’s the same with subs
Now that I’ve had some experience with… a couple of submissive women I know have both told me that when they’re in the presence of someone Dom, they absolutely know it; no question, no doubt whatsoever. They know it.

And the personal experience? When one of them ‘topped me from the bottom’, and introduced me to D/s. I’d very little experience of that at the time… and yet she knew far more than I did - and was utterly convinced, and right - how much I’d enjoy it.

(It’s never been an essential part of sex for me, but it’s often been a part of it.)