Dream Home

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7 November 2016
I'm fortunate in that I love my home, bought using sound econometric logic.

But my dream home is somewhere I've had my eye on for a while.

It's in Argyll, with a couple of acres, close to a loch for me to dive in and for Jasper to swim in. Sufficiently secluded but strangely less than 2h drive from the airport.

Once I've got my mortgage paid off on my place in London there's a strong possibility that this'll happen...
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14 November 2016
Mine would be on a secluded island and very secure the main house would be modest but with all the gadgets to make life easier then I'd have the island to have guest houses so people can visit where they can feel safe for e.g. Cross dressers tvs tgs tss swingers ect there would be a few dungeons all different things in and all this with flowers trees waterfalls and beaches oh and your all invited for free xxxx
25 July 2016
Don't really have a dream home.

At the moment I hate so many things in my life(job, modern day rat race etc) I would be happy with a small caravan in a remote field somewhere with no modern forms of communication.
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