Driftwood's IT Support thread

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22 July 2015
i thought I'd start this thread for two reasons. We all use Computers, and I imagine they are pretty important to a site like this. Let's face it, if you can't get on, you can't interact. The second reason is to get to know some of you better. If I can help you then I can get to know you, obviously if that's what you want. I'm not using it as a trap. Lol. But it's a nice way to interact.

As IT is my profession and especially in the Support area's I offer my expertise on here. I do like to help, it's what I'm good at so why not?

I don't know everything, nobody does, but I do know a lot and I can do the research for you if you don't know where to look. I am mainly based in Microsoft technologies. Apple Products (except for IPhone) I know little about but I can still point you in the right direction. There are many, many tablets too so that too is a grey area but I'll do my best.

I encourage input from others too, if you know the solution don't hesitate to jump in.

So feel free to post your queries. Whether it's slow computers, laptop problems, even if you want to encode a personal video (legally of course) - I'll do my best to help you.

Finally if Admin don't want this thread, then that's fine. Delete it, but I think it could be useful.

I might not be able to get back to you immediately but I will get back to you or like I said, somebody else can jump in if they know. I'm sure there are many of you who would.

So here we go.


15 September 2014
Finally if Admin don't want this thread, then that's fine. Delete it, but I think it could be useful.
Why wouldn't we want this? ;)
As an I.T boffin myself I think this would be useful for a lot of people. So many people have issues with their PC's / laptops etc, and don't know how to fix/resolve them, for people like you and I it is easy, for people who don't really understand; then it's not.

So it would be quite useful I think! (y)
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22 July 2015
That's cool then. I said that because I'm newish here and I didn't want to tread on anyone's toes. I'm careful like that. Lol
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22 July 2015
Lol. I do mix it up tho. I actually have a game which is modded by an adult modding community and the things in there are real eye openers. From fetish and suggestive, clothes, actions, whole segments involved around sex. And then there is the sex itself. Over 300 animations. Makes the game far more interesting I can tell you. Lol.
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15 September 2014
They are ok, it's the ones that think they know what they are doing are fiddle too much that cause the real grief :whistle:
You are spot on there!
The ones who think they know best but have no idea...
There's a lot of those around, trust me. ;)