Easter Egg Hunt....

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15 September 2014
Mr @Admin has worked hard on this.. maybe post here if you are looking
Thank you! :love: I have... it's taken days to do.

Okay so here's a little cryptic puzzle...

It's Easter and Easter egg hunting time..There always seems to be a little trouble lurking around every corner.
When that trouble pops up, we could do with some help from the Jedi's and luckily for us, for me in particular, I have one in training.
The best way to handle trouble is usually a chat - and a tipple of JD.
If you need help then you know where to go!

With eggs the question is always raised 'It's Easter time, how do you eat yours.?'


15 September 2014
Okay guys.... we have two Easter eggs (surprises) dotted around SEVEN places! ;)
Keep hunting and yes we have two people who've found a few already :D
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15 September 2014
Just 1 found so far ;)
Keep looking.. we have all weekend. :) There's two surprises - dotted about in seven locations. (y)
Again and I reiterate with bold letters which are the hints;

Okay so here's a little cryptic puzzle...

It's Easter and Easter egg hunting time..There always seems to be a little trouble lurking around every corner.
When that trouble pops up, we could do with some help from the Jedi's and luckily for us, for me in particular, I have one in training.
The best way to handle trouble is usually a chat - and a tipple of JD.
If you need help then you know where to go!

With eggs the question is always raised 'It's Easter time, how do you eat yours.?'
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