Euthanasia - do you believe in it or not?

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19 March 2015
Such a thought provocking thread ... hmm .. our life is surely our own .. I have had very bad things happen .. and if you have you will know that you are alone at those times .. society is a myth .. so why does society have the right to dictate .... it does not and the strong in us will take our own way .. so that leaves the weak as always ... hmmm nothing to be proud of xx

As the title states do you believe in euthanasia or not
I do

Sorry I disagree
does this make him/them weak never in a million years
Context. You have misread @Mel007 post entirely. You disagreed with it, thinking it's about leaving weak behind but it's not. It's the opposite which you have actually agreed with thus creating a double negative effect.
You disagreed with something that you actually agree with, which Mel is pointing out. ;)


Ok i have seen people on the brink of death. I have seen them come back.. and so unexected..a shell of their former selves.
It is about quality of life.
It is an extremely personal desicion.. and in all honesty.. no-one can answer unless they are of course god forbid in that position.
The answers are so diverse.
I have an 89 yr old mum.. shes lived a good life shes of sound mind.. let me go.
I have a 9yr old son.. i will with every breath in my body.. fight to keep him here...


I can never decide on a straight decision for this, and I think that's why it will never come to be.
On one hand people suffering, that would like the choice, should have it as an option, if correctly governed to prevent abuse (a wasps nest in itself).
However, if I were a doctor asked to have the responsibility to co-sign on the prescription or administration of euthanasia drugs, I would probably feel very differently. Their oath states, first do no harm.
I work in healthcare and have seen many patients suffer and also my Dad who passed from cancer (he reversed the dnr I authorised when he was very poorly, he didn't want themto give up on him)
5 July 2016
In principle yes I agree with euphanasia. I watched Kaz's gran last year foil every attempt the nurses made to keep her alive. She had enough and wanted to go and by God she went on her terms.

Would I want to be euthanized if I had no quality of life? Yes I would. Would I trust my family to make that decision for me? I'd trust my mam (even though she disowned me) and Kaz only.

The unfortunate thing is euphanasia is open to abuse and UK Parliament will always say no while there is a risk of it being abused/misused.

In principle I agree but in practice......well I am unsure. Ok very personal now..... someone very close to me tried to take their own life but was thankfully unsuccessful. This person is now happy but would have agreed to euphanasia at the time. This is one of the many dilemmas that woild need ironing out.

B x

No longer with us

Fascinating discussion, and thanks to everyone who’s contributed.

My own position is... less settled than I wish it was. My gut says everyone has the right to end their life, or have it ended. Simple as that. Of course there must be and should be safeguards, but the burden of proof should be on those seeking to prevent it, not on those who wish to be euthanised. As I say, simple as that.


But of course it’s never that simple. Plenty of strong arguments against it, but I’ve not read one that’s convinced me.

One possibly controversial caveat: I do have an issue with mental health being assumed by many (not here, in general I mean) to be an exception: that if you’re genuinely depressed (not ‘just feeling low’) then ‘the balance of your mind is disturbed and therefore you can’t make a rational decision’. I think that’s unfettered bollocks of the highest order. Being depressed does not mean you’re irrational, and if someone has lived with depression for years, and there’s no foreseeable chance that’s going to change, I see no reason they should not be treated as having a terminal condition and be allowed euthanasia as much as someone with a physical terminal disease.